1/6 Hot Toys - MMS231 - Thor: The Dark World - Loki (Specs + Hi-Res Pictures)

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To be honest, Tom has to be the reason The Dark World made as much. Hell, I saw it for Tom. XD I love that guy and is always perfect as Loki.

Anyways, I, like Many many other people still want a Thor 1 Loki. I hope HT goes back to it someday.

:exactly: Fantastic actor, just brilliant as Loki.

I still havent got around to getting HT Odin from the first movie, I must fast track an acquisition. I've been told its an underrated figure

HT Odin is an awesome figure to have, likeness is great. Just wish they'd make a Frigga figure to put with him and complete the family!!
I wonder if they'll not only NOT change the sculpt, but also release it earlier, since they've pushed up their TWS figures?
Although it would be fair to say there are *aspects * of Hiddleston's visage in the new sculpt(And that the Avengers one was far from perfect too), it seems to me that this head is a step backwards...
From this:


To this???


It doesn't make any sense.
The new one looks more like Michael Fassbender...
It looks exactly like Christopher Eccleston. Which leads me to believe, they got some pics of the wrong actor when they were sculpting this.
Sure the sculpt is not there in the prototype, but that happens with HT figures a lot, and then they come back with the final version and they always make them fantastic! He isn't a new face they are trying for the first time, they got him before they will make this one great too!
Yeah I think it looks like the actor who played Malaketh more than Tom Hiddleston, I'm now considering cancelling this if the sculpt does not change
Looks like the Gollum before he got the ring :lol still only interested in the Aether from this, hoping Thor 3 Loki will be the best one yet.