1/6 Hot Toys - MMS276 - Commando: John Matrix Collectible Figure

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How are people even surprised by staining?

LITERALLY every single figure from any company has this issue with any dark clothing.

It's like everyone is new to collecting.
From ACGHK. The face looks decent here.


“Remember, when I said I was gonna get this figure last?” “I lied” :p

Received last Wednesday:

-MMS 276 -COMMANDO - John Matrix

Okay first of all, Commando is a guilty pleasure of mine, the action, the kills, the cheesy one liners,
Everything is great about this movie, its a so bad, that it’s good kind of movie!.
In my eyes Arnie can’t do much wrong, this man has a certain charisma, that I can appreciate everything he does. And me myself being a kid growing up in the 80’s, also helps a great part in that, with stars of the likes of Sylvester Stallone and Jean-Claude van Damme, they were years full of testosteron, heavy violence, what got my heart beating a bit faster!

Hot Toys released this figure quite unexpected early!
I couldn’t contain myself and had him ordered directly from Hong Kong.
I haven’t done that will all figures, but with great figures like The Guardians of The Galaxy and RoboCop, I coudn’t contain myself either.
Sadly unlike its advantages (getting this figure so early upon release), it also comes with its disadvantages (not talking about the higher premium first day costs), namely that when you are one of the first owners, that you will experiences running into some problems with the figure, instead of having to wait first, so you can see other peoples experences, so you can also judge later on if your willing to get the figure or not.

On to the figure with my experience.
Is the figure great? Yes and no.
The outfit, the body, it all looks and feels great, so good actually, that I sooner recommend the figure as a museumpose figure (with some sidenotes) than one you can pose up multiple times.
I made quite a few photo’s, they look good, but to get it that way, it takes some effort, cause the body doesn’t always do what you want it to do.

The headsculpt, is to me indeed different than the prototype.
It is 100 percent Arnold, only he looks just a tad younger to me.

His body, looks perfect, great sculpted, his proportions look good.
Because of his big arms, he is also limited in getting him to get some natural poses with his weapons in hand.
Both of his arms are implemented with a ratchet system, you will hear a clicking sound with every position of his lowerarms.
With the first 3 clicks, the lowerarm holds it position, sadly with the 4th click, it shoots back to the 3rd click position, so for some poses, where you need to keep his arms closer to his body, it will shoot back, at least with my version it did that.
His famous gearing up pose, is achievable, only I don’t know how well the rubber will hold over a longer period of time, there is a possibilty that it can tear over time.

In the manual they wrote, that you can’t keep the combat vest on his body for a longer period of time, due to the combat vest can stain the body.
Now this hasn’t happen to me just yet so fast, but I do think that this WILL happen.
His vest is so tight on his body, just like with for example The Hulk, where his black stretchpants (underneath his normal pants) was also causing black stains, when it was not removed.
And sadly this is a big flaw, cause John Matrix with his combat vest, sure is the most iconic way of posing him up.

The Combat vest, looks great, only it was a small burden to getting the bullets in its place.

A downside, I experienced was that his vest is so tightly onto his body, so it is also quite hard to get his zipper to close up, so sadly with my case the little rope attached to the zipper, broke off, the zipper itself thank god not!, but please becareful with that!
Due to his vest being zo tightly, also 1 of his buckles that go through his legs, got torn.
This sadly isn’t metal, but a piece of plastic, what can easily break.
Due to the tightness, you also have to becareful with posing his legs, cause the buckle will come under tension and can break or tear.

For the rest, becareful again with the buttons, they are glued very lightly and can be lost quite easily.

His weapons are great and well detailed, the only one that I would be missing of importance is the M60 Machinegun

In short, a great looking figure, very well detailed, lots of accesories, with a few things to think about before handeling the figure, which I had to find out myself first.

Enjoy the pics!

God now i have to be really ocd when putting the vest on. Really not sure i feel about this now. I think it looks good with everything on but all those issues to deal with. God why couldnt HT had just done this guy justice like a batman or iron man.
From all the pics / vids I've seen, this looks a solid figure, nothing special but ok. I get pretty much every Arnie release from HT so this was a no brainer.
I would give Leenart rep for his great post ^^ but I've got to spread rep about before I do.
Starting to wonder to myself if i should just give in to this and not take the vest off i guess. :dunno
So how bad would that vest stain the body anyway? Would it be super noticeable?
Starting to wonder to myself if i should just give in to this and not take the vest off i guess. :dunno
So how bad would that vest stain the body anyway? Would it be super noticeable?

Could get a second Commando body I guess. Yeah I don't foresee me posing Matrix topless :lol but the body does look very well done by HT so It might be a shame to cover it up all the time.
I'm assuming the staining would not be that bad? I got a few older HT rubber body figs, Leonidas, Dutch and they still look fine. Besides the camo paint on the body might disguise any staining.
Sometime they should try a different facial expression with an Arnie figure, or give him his one eye squintier than the other look.
Thanks for the info and nice pics :)

From all the pics / vids I've seen, this looks a solid figure, nothing special but ok. I get pretty much every Arnie release from HT so this was a no brainer.
I would give Leenart rep for his great post ^^ but I've got to spread rep about before I do.

Thanks guys!
Don't actually understand that reputation points? I can only get but not give? or do I need to be a premium member for that?
Premium is required to give, but not receive. I would have given you some too if I was Premium. Figure looks real nice and I think you did a great job of explaining the pros and cons for Freaks on the fence. Not perfect, but the best/only 1/6 Matrix figure made.
Could get a second Commando body I guess. Yeah I don't foresee me posing Matrix topless :lol but the body does look very well done by HT so It might be a shame to cover it up all the time.
I'm assuming the staining would not be that bad? I got a few older HT rubber body figs, Leonidas, Dutch and they still look fine. Besides the camo paint on the body might disguise any staining.

Here's a couple pics of the Hulk's underpants and what he looked like after removing them. This was directly out of the box, but to be fair, I didn't purchase this until October of last year, so it had been sitting in the box in the warehouse for a long time. Just to give an idea of what the staining might look like.


I mean on those type of figures/areas it's not a big issue... is anyone actually going to pose their Hulk butt naked?
I mean on those type of figures/areas it's not a big issue... is anyone actually going to pose their Hulk butt naked?

Not to mention that black is going to show up much more on a tan figure vs a green fig
Maybe it will look like more cammo
Premium is required to give, but not receive. I would have given you some too if I was Premium. Figure looks real nice and I think you did a great job of explaining the pros and cons for Freaks on the fence. Not perfect, but the best/only 1/6 Matrix figure made.

Thanks for the info regarding reputation! And glad to help fellow collector's out, with what they are getting in to when buying a figure!
And indeed the headsculpt may not be up to high standards, but the outfit, vest and weapons itself are top notch (despite some personal problems), and surely don't need to be replaced by a custom creation or anything like that.
I was thinking the Commando body could be good for a Conan fig I got, Do you imagine you can get that camo paint off the body? And what would have to be used to remove it?