Got mine today. Overall I love it, and I have to agree that it looks f'in amazing in-hand. The likeness to Arnie is fantastic...the people who are whining either haven't seen the figure in-person or they're looking at pics taken by poor photographers. It may look slightly different from the prototype, but it's still great.
And the sheer amount of STUFF that Matrix has is insane. I mean, his accessories do things that you didn't even see them do in the movie, like the working collapsible stock on the uzi or the extendable bipod on the machine gun (which also has a removable clip with a painted bullet inside). The missile launcher has an extendable viewfinder with a flip-up lens cover and extendable barrels and yes, the claymore mines and their detonators fit fine into the satchels with just a wee little effort. Even his big knife sheath is removable like it was in the tool shed scene (but alas, no buzz saw blades) and the shotgun shells on his vest are all actually individually removable pieces and the ammo pouches all open (although they just have foam pads inside).
The clasps on the groin straps do feel delicate, but as long as you're careful, they should be fine. I had no problems attaching mine, although I am worried about possibly removing them in the future.
The only complaints I have it that it's difficult - hell, almost impossible - to zip his vest up all the way. It's just too tight near the top. And the dual knife sheaths on his back are a bit snug, leading to concern that they could wear if you take the knives in and out often. And yeah, the one gripping hand ideal for holding the rocket launcher strap has the fingers fused together when they shouldn't be, but he has another gripping hand that works well enough.
And it sucks major butthole that the vest may stain the body if left on for extended periods, but I intend to display him with the vest on anyway, so whatever. Still, I wonder if there's a way to put something underneath the vest (between it and Matrix's "skin") to shield from any staining effects.
Anyway, this is my first-ever Hot Toys figure, and I'm way loving it. Totally meets and even exceeds my expectations. John Matrix is a masterpiece.