Was posted a little while ago... I think he knew exactly what he was getting.
Congrats! When did you join the WL?My waitlist for the EX just converted. I'm glad I got in on it.
I hope the EX head makes an appearance in the movie
Me too. It's too cool not to (a lot of o's in that sentence). At first I thought maybe it was scarlet witch controlling it, since the eyes were red. But its still a metal suit so maybe its just ultron. Either way I wanna see mk 45 rip through potential-evil-controlled-mk 43
I think they're saving the new gadgets for the 45. The only add on to the 43 is the same wrist mounted missile seen on the 42
I want to believe they just don't want to spoil it for us, I expect HT o add accessorie pictures after the premiere, but who knows...
I don't care much about this one, as long as they give Scarlet Witch a light up head and a few set of hands I'm happy
"It's just a head. It's just a head." Gotta keep telling myself.
light up head? I think thats expecting a lot Henry
At least they have to give us pink energy things for her hands, at least... HT is getting lazy