Super Freak
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Avengers: AoU - Ultron Collectible Figure (Teaser)
Yes will definitely be giving Ultron a cape, accuracy be damned!
Yes will definitely be giving Ultron a cape, accuracy be damned!

Number 3 number 2 is on the cover of that one magazine with iron man and captain america
I hope the articulation is high for the drones....
as for the mystery Ultron form, there is this:
which doesnt look like a drone, it could either be a VFX reference prop or one of Ultrons forms we have yet to see
it looks like this version, and is the Ultron I wanted from the beginning
i also thought that Ultron would be diecast. a shame if he isnt.
but maybe he is too expensive in diecast?
I think Ultron builds himself, right? Apparently the AI is something left behind from the Chitauri technology
I think Ultron builds himself, right? Apparently the AI is something left behind from the Chitauri technology
Question :
That Ultron looks very similar to the drones....
How do we know that Ultron is not just a photoshopped drone, mocked up for the Cover of the magazine?
In fact, it looks like the body of the Ultimate Ultron shown today in the Hot Toys teaser, and a red colored Drone Head, they could have changed the head, so that the end of the trailer would have more of an impact.....
That Ultron is a drone. It's just one with a red glow showing that Ultron's AI is controlling it or within it. The others are canon fodder copies of him, Sub-officers
Yepthat sounds plausible
maybe Hot Toys will make the Ultron Drones and have the Red LED head as a limited exclusive
What version is this, number 2 or 3? I'm not up on versions apart from knowing the mark 1 as it's on the base of the mark 43 Iron Man figure.
Negative... The bio only says his programming was found among the ruins of the chitauri invasion. Say's nothing about chitauri involvement. Tony alters it and makes ultron.
That or they could have both red and blue leds so we can decide to display them as the drones or as ultron occupying a drone
From what I can gather there will be four stylings of Ultron throughout the film. Mark 1 is the Stark Drone. Mark II is the EW cover. Mark III is this figure and then the Mark IV is the "Final Form" version for the climatic battle that has been described as "Balrog like" on a few sites. Personally I want the Mark II.