wow!! 2 years already waiting on this?
Zero chance of a MK 43 reissue...water is well under the bridge.
The prevailing theory in the summer of 2015 was that the "go to sleep" arm would be included with Veronika ... wonder if that exclusive is still happening since it's been so long and they never really officially announced it.
Hopefully Toy Soul provides some answers.
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Well how many times have they made the Mk 7 armor? Never say never, I certainly hope they do a reissue with the extra arm/hand with another Mk 43 plus if they even did a simplified version of the Mk 43 like a power pose figure so you don't have to risk scratching or damaging the armor bits of your shiny diecast figure trying to fit it inside the HB armor.
ah ok been on the fence for a while on this monster, also gathering some points to some-what discount the behemoth because those monthly payments are just going to be painful added in with other figures. I am too close to pulling the trigger on this since I missed the window to order the Delorean for my BTF Marty =( so funds have been shifted towards a different purchase and I am leaning to get this guy. There is only X-amount of IM figures/suits I want to get and the HB was for sure on that list (always was a favorite in design and since he can go toe to toe with Hulk in theory) I don't own the MK XLIII but I do have XLII and am really curious if those are the same figure just different paint colors on the armor? If so then MK XLII will step in place of the inner suit inside a suit, now only if there was a suit that the HB went inside of......
Yeah the 42 is essentially the same as the 43(hot toys made minor changes to the 43 but it was very minor)
The waist area is what got updated the most. I can post pics of the two side by side if you want.