This is never going to live up to expectations now is it? It's been built up too much
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This is never going to live up to expectations now is it? It's been built up too much
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It's a toy at the end of the's just to long to wait for something like this IMO. Really it won't live up to the hype and lets be honest it also comes from a fair piss poor film.
Some people here are just unecessarily pessimistic...
I just figured out the ignore feature. Thank you!
I'm not getting this figure, but even with all the delays and the dip in "hype," I still think this figure will be the most amazing 1/6 Iron Man figure ever produced. The hype will return, as will the people who left because the hype died.
For the record, I'm not saying that's a bad thing. It's great that we all get excited for these figures. I know it can be extremely frustrating to constantly be bombarded with delays, so naturally the biggest "F YOU" to HT is to cancel and not support them with your wallet.
But I simply see the delays as HTs attempt to release a figure they are ultimately proud of. I see these figures as art when it comes down to it. This thing will cost close to $1,000 regardless of whether it comes out next month or in 6 months. I know I'm not telling my tattoo artist, "naw, you said my tattoo would be done by now, I don't want to stay an extra hour or 2 for you to add your finishing touches." This figure will be the centerpiece of any 1/6 collection it graces. I think that when HT releases this, they wanna make sure everyone knows who runs 1/6 scale figures so they can do a "mic drop" with the Hulkbuster drop.
Some people here are just unecessarily pessimistic...
You either like the armor or your dont. Thats a personal choice.
Not sure why your personal choice to like an armor has to depend on hype... Why do you rely on what other people think?
Is it too much to hope that, given the immense size of this thing, larger batteries will be used (instead of being packed with about 30 of those tiny @$$ batteries)?
Most people don't rely on the negative comments on here, but that doesn't stop the people who don't even want certain figures from voicing their negative opinions about them, as if it would change anyone's mind. (it doesn't)
We call them trolls, and the smart thing to do is ignore them because as stupid as it sounds, they're just bitching for the sake of bitching.
Why ANYONE think their salty opinions actually matter when don't even want the figure is beyond me. But unfortunately this forum has members who just live to whine like babies about stuff that means nothing to them. Maybe they're just jealous that they can't afford things that others can, but would rather come up with lame troll snark instead of admitting to it.
What's worse is that those same people think their comments are reasonable contributions. Sure everyone is entitled to voice their opinions, but why any sensible human would waste their time doing such things is baffling to me. It must be a painful existence being attention whores who aren't able to deal with boredom in constructive ways.
The battery tray for Hulkbuster is going to be the size of a normal shoe box figure clamshell tray.
That's great snowflake.![]()
I don't know, hulkbuster has 16 points (according to sideshow) and the 46 has 28 and came with 22 batteries.