I'm very excited for this re release, i had to sell my original hulk buster last year to help my dog with some surgery bills, so this is perfect chance to get it again. I sold mine for about 1200 last year, so i figure if this one is around the same price I'll pull the trigger, maybe do payment plans too. Yes i understand it somewhat sucks that 1.0 will loose some value, but if you are trying to make money you are in the wrong hobby, there will always be a few gems worth double or triple but if you really collect you are almost never making any cash at all. And who can blame hot toys, they are a business, and all they have to do is watch the secondary market to get a good idea of what they need to re release. Look at the spider-man homecoming iron man, i passed on that when it was preordered as i suspect a lot of people did but now it has grown on me, but no way I'm paying what $800 or so for a new in box. Anyways this hobby is fun and that's why i'm in it. Reading everything this morning is awesome and fun, love the one guy who went off a few days ago saying they will never reissue. So bring on the reissues, bring on hulk buster deluxe, and lets hope they take more and more risks making crazy figures we never thought we would see.