Super Freak
$830 is the cheapest PO price we have among our local stores, so far.
The most important decision now is to decide where to pre order this bad boy. Being a UK collector, do I stick with Sideshow or try someone new to avoid the duty/tax charges which are easily going to be over £1000.00![]()
Yeah, maybe if I was closer to pulling the trigger and committing to buying it, I might be grasping for some negatives, too.It's a lot of coin, and when you add it to all the other Avengers stuff, it's very sobering (no chance I can get into this license). I do think the QC will be great on it, though. I know handling Monger feels better than the smaller pieces because of how big and clunky everything is. Egor looks robust also, so I wouldn't worry about HB.
Yes, many of us in this boat, I expect. I collecting Star Wars, RoboCop, Terminator and LOTR, all with pretty significant releases recently or coming soon. It's a big commitment, so that's why Avengers are out. I was initially going to get Vision and one version of Ultron I like, but will be holding off now.
The hulkbuster is amazing! Here is a look at the new figure. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExTMIrO5xfQ
The hulkbuster is amazing! Here is a look at the new figure. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExTMIrO5xfQ
More or less what it'll look like.
I ma de this clip not for this forum, but posted it here for whom might be interrested. I do agree that it's nothing more than promo images with speaker over it. I note your feedback and this clip perhaps isn't for the audience of this forum.