Can you PROVE this comment?
Because that profit margin would be astronomical by economic standards. The most successful companies in the world only have 3-8% profit margins and by your estimates Hot Toys would have 500-600% profit margin, unless I misunderstood your comment.
By the way, the members of this forum are the worst at misplaced blame. Hot Toys is producing a character from the film. The are not just issuing a repaint for the sake of making more money.
As for the price increase it's not hard to understand why this figure costs more then the original release.
Just a couple reasons are the cost of energy is a lot higher now, especially in China. There has be additional licensing fees for this figure since it has the head sculpt and it is from the Avengers license. The cost of shipping is higher due to several reasons, the most prominent one being the cost of fuel.
For people that claim to love Hot Toys so much, a lot of you seem to really hate them.
3%-8% profit margins? I don't think that any company or person can be successful, let alone survive on that. Pre-recession savings accounts gave 3% interest rates an you could find CD's at the time that would offer around 8%. I'm not sure where you're getting these numbers from but if that were the case, companies like apple wouldn't bother working for a living and would just invest their money in CD's
I can assure you that the most successful companies are absolutely making 200, 300, 500...1000%+ on their investment. Restaurants aim to make 25%-35% per plate, General contractors typically look to make 20%-30% when bidding jobs. Those are examples of profit margins on the smaller side of the spectrum. Diesel for example sells $180-$200+ jeans that cost them....less than $15 to produce per pair. Do you really think that Apple makes 5% (the median of what you suggested) profit on every 64GB Touch they sell? So it costs them $285 to produce an item that they sell for $300?
"Minimize costs and maximize profits" is the very core philosophy of business economics. The late great Tupac said "I'm tryin' to make a dollar outta 15 cents"... not "I'm trying to make 3 cents on the buck"

BTW, I hope that I'm not coming across like I'm arguing with you, because I'm not. This is just a conversation in case my virtual voice suggests otherwise
To answer your question, I don't see HT's books so I don't have hard numbers to prove what I'm saying, but the little that I do know helps me guesstimate roughly:
Sideshow gives their retailers a 30% wholesaler discount (Diamond gives 50%). Giants like BBTS possibly get a little more like 35% (which was what all SS retailers used to get before they got snipped 5%). So that means that a $200 Hot Toy costs a retailer $140. Sideshow makes money by selling it for $140. So based on that little bit of info, my question to you is what do you think SS's cost is? And then in turn, what do you think HT's cost is since they profit when selling it to SS?
There are other things to consider like the difference between US's & Asia's MSRPs, and what it costs SS to freight everything, but I'm keeping the equation simple and I'll stop boring everyone with this bulls__t
Maybe 600% was a little over estimate, but based on all the reuse, I'll wager that each of these WM EX sets cost HT $70-$90 to produce