1/6 Hot Toys - MMS290/D10 - Avengers: AoU - War Machine Mark II

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I want to order this in a month or so, gotta get some other stuff paid off first. I'm unexpectedly buying an MJ Choi Joker sculpt, so that's setting me back a couple hundred I wasn't planning on :slap:thud:
I want to order this in a month or so, gotta get some other stuff paid off first. I'm unexpectedly buying an MJ Choi Joker sculpt, so that's setting me back a couple hundred I wasn't planning on :slap:thud:
Unplanned/unexpected spending.
Part of the hobby. Part of life.

Like pregnancies or political scandals.

But get this figure. It is awesome as hell. Just unboxed mine yesterday...
Unplanned/unexpected spending.
Part of the hobby
. Part of life.

Like pregnancies or political scandals.

But get this figure. It is awesome as hell. Just unboxed mine yesterday...

Yeah, pretty much. I had planned on ordering, but an opportunity to buy the Joker sculpt for $100 less than what it usually goes for popped up so I had to take it.

Definitely getting WM afterwards, excellent looking figure.
Yeah, pretty much. I had planned on ordering, but an opportunity to buy the Joker sculpt for $100 less than what it usually goes for popped up so I had to take it.

Definitely getting WM afterwards, excellent looking figure.

:clap I'm sure you'll be happy, I can't wait to get this one :hi5:
I would rather have a more heavily armed WM, but this is such a great looking figure I don't want to miss it. I regret not getting certain figures, I don't want this to be one
I would rather have a more heavily armed WM, but this is such a great looking figure I don't want to miss it. I regret not getting certain figures, I don't want this to be one

I've read some things about the civil war one being more heavily armed.. I got this one from my mom for my 21th birthday (has yet to arrive) but to be honest If I had seen that information before I would have waited, I think...
This is an awesome figure, check out my un-boxing video if you have a free moment?

Finally got War Machine yesterday, and might I say that he looks fan-freaking-tastic next to the Mark 43! My only concern is the weight of two diecast figures being too much for one shelf. For all you Detolf-ers out there, how much weight can you comfortably put on one shelf?
Finally got War Machine yesterday, and might I say that he looks fan-freaking-tastic next to the Mark 43! My only concern is the weight of two diecast figures being too much for one shelf. For all you Detolf-ers out there, how much weight can you comfortably put on one shelf?

Those detolfs are rated for 13/lbs per shelf according to the website. But I'm sure you are fine with just 2 diecast figures on there.
They'll hold 30-50 lbs no problem. Lots of statue collectors use them as well but it's up to your discretion in the end.

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