Super Freak
eBay or OSK.Might not have the extra mouth plates though ..I guess that's the risk
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eBay or OSK.Might not have the extra mouth plates though ..I guess that's the risk
I could see it being a smaller run size due to the uncertainty of how things will go. I've also noticed the small and steady increase in prices for these figures you guys are talking about, and while they've looked better and better, more and more realistic, there's times where we've also seen hardly any accessories at all IF any, but with a higher price tag. If you're charging $234 USD for Deadpool, I think even with the really cool and original feature of swapping eyes for multiple expressions, we should have gotten an unmasked head with a reasonably thick Hugh Jackman cutout that can be put on with small magnet(s), a radio with his name taped to it and, of course, the drawing. We get a pretty cool figure with great features, but even if they didn't do the extra head with or without the Hugh face picture, I would have placed bets on the radio and drawing being included!
Now we have Cap at $224 with usual hands, swap out faceplates, an unmasked head, broken Crossbones helmet, but no magnets in the shield. It can be argued that's the trade-off and I would be ok with that instance. But justify Black Panther's $219 price point for what you get...usual few sets of hands, that's it. No unmasked head, no real options at all especially compared to multiple other $219 figures. Ant-Man is $234 with a tiny Ant-Man, light up eyes, usual hands and unmasked head. Worth $234? No way, I'd say he's $224 max. Vision, $219, usual hands, bendy stand, Hammer. Dr. Strange at $234? Worth it. I can go on and on - Black Widow, Drax, Winter Soldier, Pepper Pots, Hawkeye - but my point is, there's zero consistency with their pricing and what we get and I think that's a more serious issue with HT, SS and this hobby and that's something we need to really see about trying to take HT and SS to task on.
Is there any way to open a dialogue about this? With a few here having contacts within, can't we get a Community Representative within HT to take our valid concerns to those who makes these decisions like, say, Beta Testers or players in MMORPGs/games do or something? I don't mind paying more if it's worth it. Iron Man figures have gone up and up and up and the sole reason is DIE CAST?! When a 1/4th scale Iron Man isn't priced much higher than a 6th scale Iron Man, there's a problem with pricing and value. I LOVE Iron Man long before he was the "it" boy for the MCU, much like Deadpool. So jacking prices on Iron Man and War Machine because they're basically the biggest in the Universe, that's not cool. Thanos' price isn't too far from your average stock Iron Man! If a stink is to be made about HT, it's gotta be on the pricing and perceived value because as it stands, it's like they're just basing prices on perceived popularity of the character, not what the figure and it's accessories are actually worth, you know?
I see what you're getting at...however I don't entirely agree with it all. You're kind of suggesting the R&D, paint and engineering from one company (HT) supersedes the R&D, paint and engineering from the other (Toys alliance), therefore lightly suggesting their price point is justified. I personally don't think that's a fair way to compare. All the stuff that goes into producing a figure (not even just figures...just about anything) is very intricate, time consuming and involved. One doesn't hold more value over the other, and at the end a products price point is a construct created by a group of individuals that consists of heads of marketing and design, various supervisors and I'm sure the CEO is involved as well. They're the ones that determine how much a product is worth, and with a company such as HT, I'm pretty sure some schmuck in that meeting reminded everyone else "we're Hot Toys, lets charge it way over its actual value and people will buy it anyway because...we're hot toys".
If their OP figure were under the "Designer" label...MAYBE I can see them charging that much for him...but it wasn't (even that in itself is a bit much if you asked me) It was supposed to be the start of a new line and I truly believe they **** the bed when they slapped a $350 price tag on him. I mean, take yourself through that reveal moment...Hot toys and transformers! It's almost like peanut butter and chocolate! Omg I can't wait!! This thing should've flew off the shelves and been scalped to high hell 2 months after its initial release. But nope, it's shelf warming and I can guarantee the ones responsible for that decision is thinking "we may have gone too far".
MP10 is an item that has so many moving parts that have to shift, twist and turn to go from one shape into another. I don't care what anyone says...the design and R&D for THAT is WAY more complex than what MAS01 and TF01 had (not to diminish the effort both companies gave to their respective product...it's just transforming is on a whole different level IMO).
That thing initially cost around $250 if I remember correctly. People were moaning and groaning that for an OP release that's smaller, didn't have as much die cast and not as articulated as its predecessor was really expensive. I wholeheartedly agree! But then something happened this past year that made me question the original price tag and everything that led up to it. It was re-issued...and it went for $150. Did the initial batch cover all the costs and therefore they were able to bring down its price for the reissue? Or was it a move to encourage buyers to NOT buy the knock offs? I'm gonna go with the latter. Because of one other release that made me wonder what the hell we were all paying for...the oversized MPP10. I bought 2 of those when I was in China last year. I spent $45 USD for each. Now I know that thing was a knock off. the ones responsible didn't have to factor all that went into producing the original...but you have to realize how much more material and plastic the MPP10 featured. FOR $45 USD. So the speculation of rising costs for oil, plastic and other materials is pretty much null IMO. Oil rates have dropped over the past few years and has been the cheapest it's been over 6 years ago. And now Wei jiang is getting greedy. By the 3rd reissue of the MPP10, their prices skyrocketed. In a matter of months. Not years. From $45 to $120 (give or take)...what does that tell everyone? If something is getting mass produced, shouldn't that mean prices should be heading southward? Maybe things have changed since I took marketing class all those years ago?
Judging by your SN and your post, I'm assuming you freelance mod, paint and take commissions? (If I'm wrong please excuse me since I'm going off on assumption) So it seems to me you're coming from an artists/customizers perspective. Whatever you charge per commission, isn't that something you decide on? You gotta factor in the raw materials used, detailing, work load and time. But ultimately you decide on how much YOUR work is worth. For a mass produced item, a figure like TF01 should NOT be $350. IMO it's unreasonable.
Especially when you consider the accessories it came with. Some liked it, others hated it and felt it was extremely unnecessary and don't make ANY sense whatsoever in the grand scheme of things. I'M in that camp. To me it felt like the whole product came out of the psyche of a college student that graduated from one of HKs school of design, got conceited with his delusions of grandeur and thought adding Starscream parts to an Optimus prime figure was unique and would stand out. But to me, it screams of amateur design at best. There was no real thought behind it. It's just slapping on parts to pad out the overall package with no rhyme or reason. To me it's obvious the designer wasn't an 80s kid but of someone that grew up in the 2000's and his only exposure was Bays Optimus prime. A prime that took faces for his personal collection. Wow...so edgy. If I had a chance to sit down with the designer, I'd ask him one question..."where in the holy blue hell did classic prime massacre Starscream for his parts and wear them like some kind of trophy?!". If he wanted to design an edgy prime, stick with the movie version and stay the hell away from G1 prime. Needlessly adding nonsensical items and artificially increasing a products price is why I think MAS01 is undoubtedly the way more sensible purchase because it is the exact opposite of what HT did. It's huge, colorful, a clear G1 homage or inspired design, it features awesome articulation and is of great quality...all that for $180.
So all it boils down to is which one aesthetically pleases people. While TF01 is a nice take on the G1 look, just about everything else that came with it was a complete waste of plastic. If they had excluded them and through that brought the price tag down to what you suggested $250 or lower, I can guarantee that it would've been a great success.
I've probably gone off the deep end here haha. Also, if my post came off aggressive...remember it's not pointed towards you.
This is all my opinion fellas.
I would also like to bring up one of the most outlandish price hikes by HT in recent history and that is the Suicide Squad Joker-Batman Imposter. They are charging $265.00 for the same BvS figure with a different paintjob and LESS accessories, and the charecter was not even in movie. This is a slap in the face to all HT collectors, and I am angered that anyone would enable this behavior by purchasing this figure.
There's a Deadpool PO at BBTS, hurry up and grab it someone
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Still there...
Aaaaaaaaand it's gone
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Inflation people. Do five seconds of research and look at inflation over the past decade -- it correlates pretty perfectly with the rise in Hot Toys price points.
You got it? Congrats
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Inflation people. Do five seconds of research and look at inflation over the past decade -- it correlates pretty perfectly with the rise in Hot Toys price points.
Inflation people. Do five seconds of research and look at inflation over the past decade -- it correlates pretty perfectly with the rise in Hot Toys price points.
But inflation usually adds maybe 1-4 US dollars over the course of many years. A hot dog that cost $0.75 in the 80s would cost $1.75 today...thats over 30 years. We've seen gas prices reach its highest at $4 a gallon over 5 years ago only for it to go back down to over $2 a gallon. $20-30 for a standard HT figure within the past 5 years isn't inflation IMO. It's something else entirely. That kind of jump just doesn't correlate with everything else. If some want to say "well the jump in quality should justify the hike..."...ok, fair enough, but why does a black panther figure that should have been given the same TLC as Batman cost the same amount when one features more? Y'know what I mean? It isn't consistent.