I wish people would stop with the straw man arguments to try and validate beating a beyond dead horse. Comparing a CAR to a TOY is just not a valid point. Over-Exaggerating by comparing a $25 THOUSAND dollar and up mode of transportation to a $200 toy is silly. You can't compare the 2 in any way. This is a toy. Compare it to other $200 6th scale toys.
I'm stressed about my figure coming, absolutely. I'm trying to not let it bother me, but I'm really excited about this figure and seriously looking forward to it and I really hope it's going to get here and everything's fine. I completely understand the frustration and disappointment that there have been issues. But what can be added that hasn't been said? By now, all thats going to be said has been said. And I don't think anyone's criticizing someone for not wanting it, I think it's more people not really understanding what the huge deal is about it at this point. Either it comes and there's a problem, or there isn't. Going on for pages about it at this point in time is pointless until figures start arriving and we all see what we're really looking at. People have a right to not want it and to be upset about it, but people also have the right to want it and be thrilled about it without some snide comments and crazy comparisons in a backhanded attempt to make themselves feel better about cancelling, right? Just because they're miserable and cancelling and maybe even regret it doesn't mean we all have to be miserable and cancel so we can share in their regret. And besides, who's criticizing people for not wanting it? People are legit asking what the big deal is. Nothing wrong with asking that. That's not criticizing people for not wanting it, it's asking for a reasonable explanation for what's looking like an unreasonable reaction. Now if a persons figure comes and it's messed up, then Hell yeah be upset and pissed and demand it be fixed, but until they arrive, what can we do? Why should the discussion dwell in the negative until every last figure arrives?
Aaaaaaaaaaanyways, I always get destroyed with customs fees in West Coast Canada. Between the shipping, the customs fees AND the exchange rate, I end up tacking on about an extra $100 - $150 per figure, lowball. The Hulk/Bruce Banner 2-pack customs was over $180 alone. When all was said and done, my wife got it for me for my 40th and it cost just over $900 CAD total......sooooo yeah, every figure costs us quite a bit more than most collector's and even WE don't expect these things to last us literally 'til ACTUAL Ragnarok.
TL,DR: Enjoy them! Have fun! Or return them.