Apparently it has battle damage features that reveal Arnold Schwarzenegger underneath!
This cracked me up.

Apparently it has battle damage features that reveal Arnold Schwarzenegger underneath!
pity they didn't put all that effort into a real endoskeleton.
Apparently it has battle damage features that reveal Arnold Schwarzenegger underneath!
But about the black shoulder joints.......even though ref photos show it black or dark hard would they be to paint to match the existing finish if you wanted to change it? Can the alclad be brushed on smooth enough to look decent. Seems ive always hear about people using an airbrush to get the best finish.
I can see there's no fooling you Anakin.
The minuscule amount of people who actually would prefer a Genisys endo would have ''settled for'' an original style Endoskeleton. And in fact I can't imagine any such people even exist.
(i actually don't need diecast ever)
erm...Also, RE: the old Endo spine. The old spine would bend just as much as a human spine, being; not much.
i comlpletely agree with both "bad" and "ass" parts.The genysis endoskeleton looks way more badass than the original.