I think the sculpt kind of looks like that guy from 'A quiet place'
No, I think the sculpt kind of looks like that guy Jim from The Office, only with a beard.
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I think the sculpt kind of looks like that guy from 'A quiet place'
Sculpt still reminds me of rick grimes
That boxer beak has to go.
Yep. Hot Toys is are expensive and I hold to a high standard. The head sculpt is great for 2012, but with recent Thor, Iron-Man and even Bucky having top notch headsculps, it just isn't up to par.
Whoever said Rick Grimes is spot on. It looks like they started sculpting Rick Grimes, and halfway through remembered they were supposed to do Chris Evans and patched up what they had.
Sad, because the rest of the figure looks excellent.
It's also a prototype sculpt that was done before the movie came out. I will not be surprised if it's tweaked before it's released next year. Yulli did the sculpt, and she typically does an amazing job. I have faith that this will not be the exception.
Yeah, IMO the production run is the thing. I thought the proto CW Bucky looked amazing but in hand (while I like him a lot) IMO he's a bit generic. Unless I guess I wanna pay for a custom paint job.
No way I'd cancel, I want this Cap. I figure they may do 1-3 more? re IW2 and then on to the next MCU. So not that many more Evans Caps to get, anyway.
Yeah, because they haven't been remaking Star Wars toys for the last 40 years
I think there will be a slight break, but in 4-5 years you will start seeing the '15 year, 20 year anniversary, ect... waves'.
Unless there's a significant improvement with the sculpt, I will be giving this one a miss.