1/6 - Hot Toys: MMS481 - Avengers: Infinity War - Captain America

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I agree. There's something off with the sculpt...can't quite put my finger on it, but it's def. not spot on.

Lol i love this quote so much. I swear its word for word stated by ppl everytime a new scultp is revealed :rotfl
Yes I will have to cancel this order, not because I don't like it, just having some financial probs currently.

Everything else should come before these toys. That said this is not expected until next summer so if things turn around for you over the winter maybe you can still get this.
Lol i love this quote so much. I swear its word for word stated by ppl everytime a new scultp is revealed :rotfl

Whenever a new figure is announced, if I'm one of the first to respond, I'll type something similar with 'can't put my finger on it', even if the likeness is spot on. Someone brought this up in a thread years ago and I think about it every time I see that kind of post. :)
Whenever a new figure is announced, if I'm one of the first to respond, I'll type something similar with 'can't put my finger on it', even if the likeness is spot on. Someone brought this up in a thread years ago and I think about it every time I see that kind of post. :)

Lol there is going to be a lot of "kicking myself for not getting this guy" when its sold out too. Like always :rotfl
I have this preorder and I'm thinking about it cancelling it. The only thing holding me back is my completionist mentality. I have preordered most of the infinity war hot toys except thanos (16 inches too big) and teen groot (already have the miniature baby groot from vol2). I feel like cancelling it because I already have two other captain americas, and more importantly, I'm not digging the dirty look - its ok at best. He's not even captain america anymore, he gave up that identity when he threw the shield on the ground at the end of CW. The figure should just be called Steve Rogers.
I lost my deposit on this one, but I will be back! Just need to close up a deal here and I'm done collecting for a bit. Down but not out.

cant wait for this guy
I have this on pre-order and it will be my first Captain America hot toys figure. I might get another version in the future too, but we'll see.
I kinda want to preorder, but I really want my one and only Cap to have his trademark shield. I'm hoping the Avengers 4 version has it.. This one does look great though. But for now I'll wait.
I cancelled my preorder for this. Ordered the 10 year version instead. The IW version does not look like Cap to me and would prefer him with his shield. Hopefully Avengers 4 will be more to my liking.
The one figure im seriously thinking of "dirtying" up the face scultp and adding slight cuts. Despite the hate, this can seriously turn out to be one of the best caps.
For me, whats really throwing off the likeness is the fact that the face is so narrow. Chris Evan's face is more squarish and less triangular (especially with the beard), and making it so thin really kills the resemblance.
Yeah I have no interest in this figure at all. He didn't do much in the movie and I just didn't like the costume. Didnt look like cap
The problem is, that this is not supposed to be "Captain America" to begin with. So the star on the chest, the helmet and the classic shield are all missing.
If someone, like me, is looking for the one and ultimate Captain America, this is not it...
The problem is, that this is not supposed to be "Captain America" to begin with. So the star on the chest, the helmet and the classic shield are all missing.
If someone, like me, is looking for the one and ultimate Captain America, this is not it...
Very true. For the "Official" version of the character id highly recommend the Civil War battling version.

But if you're like me and a massive Captain America fanboy who owns every version of the character, this one is still a must.
That’d be me. This one would be more a mere addition to what I already have rather than a definitive Cap.

The favorite Caps in my collection are my AoU and CW (regular version) ones.