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And since that one leaked concept was confirmed as official, we’re probably, and finally gonna be getting scale mail Cap in Avengers 4. :D

Yeah and hopefully we’ll get a shield/ also the hint of time travel??? Photos of Evans in the 1st avengers costume could be a nice remake/update on the original hot toys version
Yeah and hopefully we’ll get a shield/ also the hint of time travel??? Photos of Evans in the 1st avengers costume could be a nice remake/update on the original hot toys version

This is what I'm hoping for. I missed the boat on the OG Cap figures from a few years ago. Was too into SW figs at the time. I really want a Cap with a classic looking outfit and his shield. Nothing crazy. Will be my one version of Captain America.
This will be my first Cap figure. Odd choice I know, but what sold me was the scene where he is attempting to hold back the gauntlet. This is a Steve Rodgers who has been through a lot but still does his best to do what's right. "Roadworn" Cap if you will.
This will be my first Cap figure. Odd choice I know, but what sold me was the scene where he is attempting to hold back the gauntlet. This is a Steve Rodgers who has been through a lot but still does his best to do what's right. "Roadworn" Cap if you will.

Same. Will be my one and only cap figure. And his final stand agaisnt Thanos...is in the TRUE SPIRIT OF CAPTAIN AMERICA. Regardless of whether he is "titled" as such any more. Cant think of a better representation of everything steve rodgers is than this guy on my shelf. He doesnt need the star or shield to be Cap
This will be my first Cap figure. Odd choice I know, but what sold me was the scene where he is attempting to hold back the gauntlet. This is a Steve Rodgers who has been through a lot but still does his best to do what's right. "Roadworn" Cap if you will.

I like Captain America in the movie. The problem is the head is too long and the nose is off what we have seen with this figure.. This is one of the weaker head-sculpts I have seen in awhile, though the costume looks very good. The final production version may change my mind. Give me a good head sculpt that looks like the actor, and I am in. I have been in hot toys for awhile, so if this were 2012 I probably would be satisfied. The last few years however has set a new standard in replicating an actor's appearance.

I'm getting this as my first Cap (just getting into Hot Toys). Hoping that Avengers 4 has a flashback or something with a more colorful Cap that hot toys will make so I can get that one, haha. Or I may go online somewhere for an older hot toys of a more classic Cap.
I'm getting this as my first Cap (just getting into Hot Toys). Hoping that Avengers 4 has a flashback or something with a more colorful Cap that hot toys will make so I can get that one, haha. Or I may go online somewhere for an older hot toys of a more classic Cap.

I could easily see Hot Toys doing an original Avengers "2.0" Cap, with the body from any of the
recent Cap figures with an updated Steve Rogers head sculpt.

We know for certain that suit is in Avengers 4, so it would make sense with how much they love making Cap figures.
I could easily see Hot Toys doing an original Avengers "2.0" Cap, with the body from any of the
recent Cap figures with an updated Steve Rogers head sculpt.

We know for certain that suit is in Avengers 4, so it would make sense with how much they love making Cap figures.

If that's true, it will help me stagger my purchases. Any chance they have a Hulk 2.0 as well? I honestly would've just ordered this Cap if he came with his trademark shield. I can sorta deal with the beard, but not a fan of the wakanda shields and the glaive weapon.
If that's true, it will help me stagger my purchases. Any chance they have a Hulk 2.0 as well? I honestly would've just ordered this Cap if he came with his trademark shield. I can sorta deal with the beard, but not a fan of the wakanda shields and the glaive weapon.

I would not bet so much on there being another Hulk for a while.

Even with the high odds that you will see all of the original Avengers outfits back on screen,
with Captain America and Iron Man, every new chance at a release… HT jumps on.

We are getting the Diecast Mark VII, which should be in A4. So a new release of that Cap seems likely.
As for Thor, Hawkeye, Hulk and Widow… I don't see Avengers 2.0 versions of them coming, but then again,
maybe those would be sure bets for re-releases, as far as what would sell best for Hot Toys?
I could easily see Hot Toys doing an original Avengers "2.0" Cap, with the body from any of the
recent Cap figures with an updated Steve Rogers head sculpt.

We know for certain that suit is in Avengers 4, so it would make sense with how much they love making Cap figures.

Yeah, same.
Ah, I see. It would make sense. I hope they do.
Same. Will be my one and only cap figure. And his final stand agaisnt Thanos...is in the TRUE SPIRIT OF CAPTAIN AMERICA. Regardless of whether he is "titled" as such any more. Cant think of a better representation of everything steve rodgers is than this guy on my shelf. He doesnt need the star or shield to be Cap
This is why I like the figure so much. After he gets betrayed by his government and some of his closest friends he's still trying to protect everyone. I feel like this is more of a Steve Rogers figure than a Captain America figure. Plus he'll probably be hard to find after release and it's a unique look that we won't see again.

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I'm very close to cancelling my PO on this and just order the 10th anniversary Cap.
That cap set a new standard on how his physique should look.
I'm worried that might sell out before IW Cap is released.

One of the main reasons I pre-ordered this is the slight improvement of the physique.
But man, its still lacking in comparison to the 10th anniversary.
I must be one of the few that thinks the sculpt on this is pretty good. Not perfect, but I think calling it one of HT’s weakest sculpts ever is a bit of a stretch.
I'm very close to cancelling my PO on this and just order the 10th anniversary Cap.
That cap set a new standard on how his physique should look.
I'm worried that might sell out before IW Cap is released.

One of the main reasons I pre-ordered this is the slight improvement of the physique.
But man, its still lacking in comparison to the 10th anniversary.

I keep seeing this...but honestly anniversary cap is wearing a tighter, more snug outfit that can simply highlight the body more. IW cap is wearing something a lot more loose, especially around the arms. And he still looks big and wide as hell in it
I must be one of the few that thinks the sculpt on this is pretty good. Not perfect, but I think calling it one of HT’s weakest sculpts ever is a bit of a stretch.

I agree with this. I think the sculpt is pretty damn good and a welcome change from the normal
Steve Rogers sculpts we have been getting for a while now.
I keep seeing this...but honestly anniversary cap is wearing a tighter, more snug outfit that can simply highlight the body more. IW cap is wearing something a lot more loose, especially around the arms. And he still looks big and wide as hell in it

Yes, but they should have done something like what they did with Knightmare Batman.
The Regular Batman had a great physique, and when they used that body for Knightmare, they used smaller arms to compensate having a leather jacket.
If they would have got lazy and used simply the Regular, the Knightmare batman would have looked too bulky.

And that's what's happening to most of HT Cap. They're using muscle body, and with a tight fitting outfit like the 10th Anniversary, it works cause its very similar to Evans
physique in the movies.

Instead, for Civil War and the other Cap figures, they're using the same arms, so when you add the padded suit, it makes it look like a football player wearing shoulder pads.
As much as I love CW Cap, the bulky look always detract from making it an amazing figure.