Super Freak
Please no Delorean reissue. 2.0 or don't even.
I mean if a little Hot Wheel can get Goodyear tire prints, why is HT cheaping out?
I mean if a little Hot Wheel can get Goodyear tire prints, why is HT cheaping out?
Does anyone know if the changes between Mk1 DeLorean and Mk2 (flying) are so significant that it wouldn't be possible to incorporate into one Deluxe version ?
Obvious differences are Mr Fusion, and the folding wheels. But not sure on the cabling, interior etc. I guess there probably are a lot of differences.
Hot Toys will probably stick to their re-release mantra of stock re-release with no changes. However in this case a deluxe (if easy to pull off) would tempt a lot more buyers.
The main car isn’t too different. The deck for the MR Fusion is higher than the nuclear reactor, but you could have a swap out item there, and the wheels could be similarly swap out if they didn’t want to incorporate the mechanism used in the Fujimi model kit(The car is just too heavy for that). The interior of the car is pretty much identical. Of course, HT made several structural errors in the original Delorean. Which I doubt they’d fix if there was a reissue. I’d just be glad to get my hands on another one.Does anyone know if the changes between Mk1 DeLorean and Mk2 (flying) are so significant that it wouldn't be possible to incorporate into one Deluxe version ?
Obvious differences are Mr Fusion, and the folding wheels. But not sure on the cabling, interior etc. I guess there probably are a lot of differences.
Hot Toys will probably stick to their re-release mantra of stock re-release with no changes. However in this case a deluxe (if easy to pull off) would tempt a lot more buyers.
Does anyone know if the changes between Mk1 DeLorean and Mk2 (flying) are so significant that it wouldn't be possible to incorporate into one Deluxe version ?
Obvious differences are Mr Fusion, and the folding wheels. But not sure on the cabling, interior etc. I guess there probably are a lot of differences.
Hot Toys will probably stick to their re-release mantra of stock re-release with no changes. However in this case a deluxe (if easy to pull off) would tempt a lot more buyers.
I don’t see the complaint about the age in the sculpt. The 2015 look was basically how he looked in 1985.
I always thought the joke in that scene where Doc removes his facial prosthetic is that he doesn’t look that different.
It would be one thing if the sculpt looked more like he did in 1955. Those scenes he actually did look a little different.
Nice, low-res screen grab from YouTube
Anyway, shows the proposed accessories - Plutonium! Looks to be a good assortment of stuff. A pity they went to a lot of trouble with all those and didn't update the headsculpt.
Ah, I didn't go back far enough! Cheers...much better picsThere were some some sharper images posted earlier in the thread that give a better view:
A lot of the stuff that figures come with often stays in the box (R2's arms for most people, even stuff like the cargo boxes Yoda came with) but pretty much all the stuff Doc comes with I would probably display.I love all the stuff that Doc comes with. After several years of Star Wars and MCU figures coming with very little, seeing all these bits looks impressive -- tools and clips and pads and clipboards, etc.