1/6 Hot Toys - MMS664-D48 - Iron Man - Iron Man Mark 3 (2.0 For Real This Time!)

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Limited to 20 so not attainable, unless that limit is HK's limit and the rest of the world will get some. Even then it may be a couple hundred so low chance to own.
Someone big into HT Iron Man posted that he was told there may be a wider, but probably still somewhat limited, worldwide release in the near future. Fingers crossed. I love shiny things
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Not for me, only reason ppl want it is because it's limited. If it was a standard release it'll be sitting in bargain bin for months lol, but yet we keep giving our money to HTs. Their marketing plan is working 💸
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Interesting. It seems like a similar alternative to the fusion reactor. Lots of wires to hide though.

I got the RCN light set about a month ago. I think its worth it, but you're right there is alot of wires to hide, works nicely with the Mark 3 since the large dio base can help hide the wires lol.
Someone big into HT Iron Man posted that he was told there may be a wider, but probably still somewhat limited, worldwide release in the near future. Fingers crossed. I love shiny things
Could you please ask him if another real Mark 7 is also coming? Thanks
Underground Figures. Sorry just replying to you. You didn't reply to me, so it didn't show up on notifications. I just saw your post while browsing.
Thank you. My mistake I thought I replied, but obviously didn’t. Appreciate you catching it in the thread.
This is my favorite Iron Man suit. I think they knocked this out of the park. Maybe because there’s been so many releases of this suit people didn’t really feel the need to talk about it? I don’t know 😅
It is a real beaut

I just wish the base had better stand positioning, and went together easier.

But I think it is pretty solid overall
Do you find the shoulder gaps to be a problem? It was the only gripe I came away with after seeing reviews, but not sure how annoying it is.
Do you find the shoulder gaps to be a problem? It was the only gripe I came away with after seeing reviews, but not sure how annoying it is.
I was worried as well but I found them pretty futzable to minimize gap. Depends on the pose for sure, but standing, walking, or hovering can be set pretty flush.
The shoulder gaps are my biggest gripe, personally. Every time I look at mine on the shelf, I want to grab it and try to futz it even more even though I've already spent hours futzing them already.

They're not terrible, I just get fixated on stuff like that easily.
Other than Sideshow, does anyone know if this is still available for order without a hefty premium tacked on?
Sorry to bump this again, but just wanted to see if this is still avail???
I don’t think so. I scoured the internet for hours to find one close to retail price. All are marked up several hundreds of dollars. I don’t know why I feel like this was a sleeper release perhaps it was very limited?

I’m glad I didn’t overpay. I found one at a local comic shop in my home town a couple of days ago and got it for 15% under retail.

Just opened it up and I just love it