1/6 Hot Toys - MMS752AE The Joker (Batman Imposter Version)

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So HT had to copy another custom to finally get it right?
I guess in a way they "copied" it. But it isn't like they stole the sculpt or tried to sculpt one of their own that was similar. They purchased the custom sculpt from the original artist/sculptor and modified it to implement the moving eyes and odd tongue feature and whatever else to make it ready for mass production.
I guess in a way they "copied" it. But it isn't like they stole the sculpt or tried to sculpt one of their own that was similar. They purchased the custom sculpt from the original artist/sculptor and modified it to implement the moving eyes and odd tongue feature and whatever else to make it ready for mass production.
Well it certainly wasn't from scratch...
They gave him top teeth, a proper neck, a more defined lip, jaw, nose looks better.

The original sculpt was pretty raw, HT fixed a lot, it just needs some refined hair work and touch up paint, that’s it.

This shows exactly what I was talking about a bit ago. The left is definitely hindered in posing options, but looks much less dead and porous compared to the HT sculpt.
Doesn’t look dead here. In fact, looks just like him.

Well it certainly wasn't from scratch...
Not by an in-house sculptor, no. But, this isn't the only figure that HT has used "custom" or outside sculptors for. It's becoming more of the norm actually for them to hire other sculptors for more recent figures. This is just the most high profile one apparently. It's no different than HT or Sideshow hiring Yixie to make a sculpt for them like they have done in the past. You hardly ever see Yulli or any of the old/regular sculptors as the one doing them anymore like the old days.
So HT is just paying for it now, instead of having actual artists in-house. Got it. Really rings what is said in my signature a lot more.

Not by an in-house sculptor, no. But, this isn't the only figure that HT has used "custom" or outside sculptors for. It's becoming more of the norm actually for them to hire other sculptors for more recent figures. This is just the most high profile one apparently. It's no different than HT or Sideshow hiring Yixie to make a sculpt for them like they have done in the past. You hardly ever see Yulli or any of the old/regular sculptors as the one doing them anymore like the old days.
So HT is just paying for it now, instead of having actual artists in-house. Got it. Really rings what is said in my signature a lot more.
InArt ran to the outhouse for a tailor? Any different? I don’t care what either company does to get out good product, just do it. I’m not rooting for Hot Toys lol. I’d never use those clothes but the sculpt has potential. I’d never use the InArt suit or sculpt if that’s final in a Phoenix, I’d search and hope for another chance at an Iris run before that. I don’t have a dog in this race. Mass production isn’t where I find a finished top tier collectible. Not a single figure I own or will own, will remain stock, ever.
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So HT is just paying for it now, instead of having actual artists in-house. Got it. Really rings what is said in my signature a lot more.
I can't see your signature for whatever reason, so can't comment on the connection. But, "paying for it" seems to be what the main companies are doing now.

Regardless of Star Ace's production quality, they hired Waruna as their lead sculptor (I believe) who is very talented and has recently made one of the best if not the best Harrison Ford/Indaian Jones sculpts among others. Or, how Viper is/was a high profile custom artist before InArt/Queen studios hired them. Or how Shumi Arts was also big (before they went rogue) and were hired by Prime1 for their Snape statue.

Sideshow paid Kato to make the prototype clothing for their first comic Joker figure, Crimson Guard figure and I think Cobra Commander v2. InArt hired Wonder World for their Phoenix Joker prototype clothing as well from what's been said.

Lots of stuff is getting hired out to other talented ppl rather than in-house teams lately. The irony is that in-house teams seem to produce subpar work now compared to the outside talent, so why even keep these in-house ppl? 🤔 The companies in this space are slowly becoming just the license holders and manufacturers rather than creators from the looks.
Exactly, hiring amazing talent to create the prototype then slacking off in production in whatever way seems… odd. I suppose it comes down harder on InArt because they have much less product in the pipeline so it begs the question what are they doing with their time if it not be relentless QC inspection over the 4 different releases max you’ve got in your warehouse in a quarter term.