1/6 Hot Toys - Peacemaker The Series - Peacemaker Collectible Figure

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I feel like this figure wasn’t really planned out ahead of time, but then the show became a surprise hit and Hot Toys probably decided to release a figure. So maybe the prototype is a rush job.

Not sure how many improvements they can make, but that kind of feels like what may have been the case.
Never mind improvements, thing needs a complete redo.
All you guys do is complain about dead eyed expressionless sculpts and then when they do the opposite for a character that is actually ridiculous, you all complain. I can’t keep up….
Exactly my thoughts. Hot Toys definitely needs to ignore these people who just complain about everything.
This release seems comical on HT part “Let’s put out the “peacemaker” 😆 . That expression is probably one of the stupidest executions especially not giving an option for neutral face or even more calm like Doc Ock with slight mouth opening. Hard pass for me. Too bad missed opportunity as usual on them.
All you guys do is complain about dead eyed expressionless sculpts and then when they do the opposite for a character that is actually ridiculous, you all complain. I can’t keep up….
I’ve never once complained about expressionless sculpts, all of their expressive ones are off putting :dunno
Guys nevermind they fixed it!!! Instant PO!!!

better no peacemaker figure in the collection than this thing … at least that doc ock proto looks good from the neck down … this is hot toys just making a cash grab with very little effort invested
Now I really wish I couldn't see John Cena... I wonder if The Rock will fare better with his Black Adam figure. The material's looking too pleathery and with that faux musclemass that can end up flaking easily.


I'm not even going to entertain the thought that they'll make a Doctor Fate with a Brosnan HS.
Wow and I thought Doc Ock got a bad reception. HT must have thought their reputation was enough here.

Such a lazy release with huge glaring omissions and errors.
McFarlane to HT: “You know what’s really IN these days?… SIDE-EYE.”

I personally don’t think it’s terrible, but the display options are very limited.

Edit: Ironically, McFarlane themselves kept his face and eyes neutral with their figure.
I'm fine with the exposed joints, no worries about damage when posing. Problem is the body they've used here just isn't big enough, especially those arms.

I even like the expressive sculpt...as a switchout. A nice option for a few scene specific dynamic poses. Now where is the regular sculpt we'll be displaying him with 90% of the time? Hot Toys? 🙄🙄

The gun thing is baffling. Does this mean from now on we'll be relying on third party companies and customisers for our guns on every DC figure?
The gun thing is baffling. Does this mean from now on we'll be relying on third party companies and customisers for our guns on every DC figure?

Yes. For ALL DC figures in ALL scales from ALL companies.
I still need official clarification for this.
We may not get it, but it’s clear at this point that’s the case. Figure-makers across the board who have no problems putting guns with their figures have all ceased doing so for DC figures exclusively. No one is talking, probably because they aren’t supposed to, but it’s so crystal clear they aren’t making that decision themselves. It’s coming straight from the top and they have to comply to make DC’s merchandise.

Edit: And then there’s Mezco below. Lol.