1/6 Hot Toys - Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Kylo Ren Collectible Figure

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My favorite part of HT reveals now is getting to watch grown(?) men debate what is scientifically accurate from a god damn promotion image of a collectible and wax poetic on what is or isin't cannon.

I also enjoy the grown(?) man who was already furious typing up a rebuttal in a fit of indignation as they read this.

But that's nothing compared to those who are clearly so insecure that they take every opportunity to desperately attempt to show how they are so much better than the rest of us... :monkey3
Those guards are a joke, do not look "star wars" at all.

Not sure I like this look for kylo either. He looks like a hipster swashbuckler from medieval times.
Haha, I agree. I wonder how metal spears and knives will help them in a world of lightsabers and blasters.

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Funny they didn't release this last Friday. Alright looking figure, still like TFA version outfit better and will be sticking with that one.
I wonder how many force awakens kylo ren figures will sell now? I'm thinking very few for $220. I'm not really impressed with this look, or any of the new characters, I only bought Rey to get bb8. Otherwise I'm just looking at old versions of OT characters.
Seems inferior to the TFA design on almost every level.

The Hefty Bag accessory seems super cool though.
I'll wait to see the new costume in the context of the film before making any final judgement but as a first reveal, not feeling it at all. It doesn't look minimalistic, just incomplete. Does he use the force to keep the cape on? ;)
But that's nothing compared to those who are clearly so insecure that they take every opportunity to desperately attempt to show how they are so much better than the rest of us... :monkey3

"The rest of us"

No, it's like 4 people. Everyone else is golden.
I may pick this up if it's more in scale with Rey, or the TLJ Rey is more in scale. TFA Rey looked like a midget next to the others!
Adam Driver haters are always the worst. But whatever - he's an amazing actor and brings it all with this character. Sculpt looks amazing and it'll be great to see how he tackles this in Ep 8. A good addition to the collection.
"It doesn't look 'Star Wars' to me"

These people crack me up. We're talking about a galaxy with countless planets, species and cultures, and yet when we see a new style, a new design, a new fabric, they declare that it's "not Star Wars" because it doesn't exactly replicate the sliver of this galaxy we've been shown on screen thus far.

It's like if an alien watched a bunch of cowboy westerns, and then declared the people in the kung fu flick don't look "earth" enough.

Or expecting that we should all still be dressing like it's the 90s (ie, the generational gap between the OT and ST). XD

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