1/6 Hot Toys - TMS003 - MARVEL: Daredevil - Daredevil Collectible Figure

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Lol, it does not look like you even tried to whack it. Just get some scissors and cut that suit in places. If you got pliers, or a hammer, by all means!

I guess the consensus is I did a crummy job then haha. Fair enough. Well, guess we'll see what SS tells me to do then.
A few weeks ago, Sideshow was kind enough to mail me a $50 promo that expires at the end of this month. I had to use it on in-stock merchandise and spend at least $200, so I was contemplating Old Luke or Jyn Erso -- but neither one really struck my fancy. Now they're sold out, so I popped in here to see what youse guys thought of Daredevil. The in-hand photos look great, so I just ordered one!
A few weeks ago, Sideshow was kind enough to mail me a $50 promo that expires at the end of this month. I had to use it on in-stock merchandise and spend at least $200, so I was contemplating Old Luke or Jyn Erso -- but neither one really struck my fancy. Now they're sold out, so I popped in here to see what youse guys thought of Daredevil. The in-hand photos look great, so I just ordered one!
Nice! Just ordered dd with the 30 dollars off code from ss, a week or two ago.

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A few weeks ago, Sideshow was kind enough to mail me a $50 promo that expires at the end of this month. I had to use it on in-stock merchandise and spend at least $200, so I was contemplating Old Luke or Jyn Erso -- but neither one really struck my fancy. Now they're sold out, so I popped in here to see what youse guys thought of Daredevil. The in-hand photos look great, so I just ordered one!

Very few photos do him justice. He looks much better in hand. I think you'll like him.

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Yeah, the in-hand photos here really convinced me! The likeness seemed to be lacking in the pre-release photos so I wasn't planning on getting one. I had the same experience with the HT Obi-Wan: I was gonna pass until I saw the in-hand ones here.

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Great photos!

Mine showed up today in a really big box. Instead of a shipping box, mine was wrapped in bubble wrap and brown paper. Really well protected, but I sort of miss the smaller packaging. Regardless, terrific figure. Glad I took the plunge.
I was on the fence about this figure, as I love the show and outfit but was turned off by the proportions on the in-hand photos.

Sideshow emailed me an offer last week and I took it. He arrived this week and I'm delighted with him.

Proportions are fine in hand, and the head/face sculpt is stunning. He just looks alive.

I'm definitely in the camp that prefers him short and not too bulky. Good to have a "Ninja class" body on the shelf for a change. :)

To me, the 'off' thing about the body is that it has no waist - the sides of the torso run in straight vertical lines from armpit to hip, with no 'pinch' at the waist. Easily disguised with a slight twist pose.

Pictured here with my Black Widow custom (WIP), in the exact pose I wanted him. Be very careful with the knees and ankles if you are going this deep - deepen the pose gradually over a few days.





I was on the fence about this figure, as I love the show and outfit but was turned off by the proportions on the in-hand photos.

Sideshow emailed me an offer last week and I took it. He arrived this week and I'm delighted with him.

Proportions are fine in hand, and the head/face sculpt is stunning. He just looks alive.

I'm definitely in the camp that prefers him short and not too bulky. Good to have a "Ninja class" body on the shelf for a change. :)

To me, the 'off' thing about the body is that it has no waist - the sides of the torso run in straight vertical lines from armpit to hip, with no 'pinch' at the waist. Easily disguised with a slight twist pose.

Pictured here with my Black Widow custom (WIP), in the exact pose I wanted him. Be very careful with the knees and ankles if you are going this deep - deepen the pose gradually over a few days.

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My neck hurts.
My biggest disappointment here is that Daredevil and Punisher apparently didn't sell well enough to justify making the rest of the Netflix Marvel heroes. I know there's been un-licensed ones but I didn't like them enough to buy them. Still, though, I like this Daredevil and the Netflix Punisher figures enough that they work well as their own pieces.
My biggest disappointment here is that Daredevil and Punisher apparently didn't sell well enough to justify making the rest of the Netflix Marvel heroes. I know there's been un-licensed ones but I didn't like them enough to buy them. Still, though, I like this Daredevil and the Netflix Punisher figures enough that they work well as their own pieces.

I heard Punisher sold rather well. He sold out faster than DD who is still available. Punisher is actually no longer available anywhere and the secondary market value for him is in the $300-400 range.

So for the secondary character to sell out before the main titular character, perhaps that's viewed as a disappointment? I dunno,..just my 2 cents. :dunno

But also, what other characters would HT release from the Netflix series? JJ, LC, and IF are all generic AF. Nothing about them stands out that would make me wanna purchase their figures. Also it doesn't help that their shows were God-awful. Maybe if IF ever wore his iconic custom I could overlook how sh itty the actor was and how horrendous the show was...but a Danny Rand figure wouldn't sell well.

If they released an Elektra I would totally be on board cause at least she kinda wears her costume.
I've liked all the series to varying degrees (expect season two of JJ -- holy crap was that awful), but yeah, none of the rest are really visually striking in the same way as Daredevil or Punisher, especially Iron Fist. I could maybe see the case being made for Jessica Jones with her scarf and leather jacket but the other two would basically be a black guy in a hoodie and a white guy in a hoodie. But if they ever were made I'd get them just to have a complete Defenders shelf.
Spoiler Spoiler:

:lol sorry couldn't resist. Fiege did say he wasnt opposed to Netflix characters crossing over I think he just said it was unlikely we'd ever get film characters in the TV world. So who knows maybe someday.