Super Freak
They made the right choice with rubber. In terms of texture, I can see how people might think the same suit texture could be accomplished on fabric, but, when you get to the parts like the grooves and rivets, that's when the whole thing starts to fall apart. There is no way you can do details like that on fabric without it looking cheap as hell. For one thing, you can't sculpt details into fabric, and, as various customs have shown us, when you try to add those details on externally, be it by piping or what have you, again, t'is going to look cheap as hell.
Plus, I have yet to see a fabric outfit from HT that was so tightly fitted that you could get that kind of rigid muscle definition out of it. I don't care for rubber when it isn't needed, but this was one instance where I definitely understand the need, and have always expected it.

Plus, I have yet to see a fabric outfit from HT that was so tightly fitted that you could get that kind of rigid muscle definition out of it. I don't care for rubber when it isn't needed, but this was one instance where I definitely understand the need, and have always expected it.