1/6 Hoy Toys - TMS 087 - The Bad Batch - Clone Force 99: Crosshair

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I see that Crosshair is all gung-ho to rejoin the Empire, but I wonder if they're still willing to welcome him back as he lost control of the situation with the rest of the Batch? He might get punished for that. They may even try to execute him.

I was also wondering how everyone was sooooo sure that platform was going to stay where it was, when the Marauder left mightn't it retreat back underwater like it was before they got there....? That would be...... interesting for poor Crosshair.

This is a thoroughly unlikeable guy. And yet I feel really sorry for him and I want him to be helped. I think he still has that chip. I'd bet money on it.

All strangely unsatisfying overall, I didnt expect Crosshair to turn "good" so soon and its a good thing he didnt, that would have been lame - but this ended on a really peculiar note. Perhaps if we'd spent A BIT LESS TIME kriffing around on Ryloth we could have seen something more definite? What do I know.
"Behold, a glass tunnel leading us to our destination, now many meters further underwater than it is pressure-rated to be. Let's stroll through, all leisurely-like and admire the many cracks adorning said glass, lets shine our flashlights out into the void and stand around discussing the situation as the cracks deepen."

The whole time I'm sitting there thinking WILL YOU F***ING RUN RIGHT NOW, RUN!!!!! RUN!
I hope Crosshair's rifle can be disassembled and stored on his backpack like this

I guess his BB armor does not have that luxury. His original backpack does not look like having a slot for his gun, if I have looked correctly (I have looked after I see that in his Empire backpack).
Are there any pictures of the back of the Crosshair figure? It looks like there is a gap on the backpack but can't find a good pic of it.

I like that theres a range finder on the helmet, didn't notice that
It was more like a mid-season episode than a finale. However, since we know there's more seasons it's just another stage of the story.

I liked the Poseidon Adventure / Underwater theme. It felt claustrophobic... and their situation looked hopeless. The cliffhanger was mid-episode, since it's not whether they would escape, but how.

Crosshair's an annoying character though. Too clichéd as a 'bad guy' with his manner of speaking and his constant sneer.

I was hoping he'd drown. lol
I completely agree with your take on this but, your last point was hilarious !!! Anyway lets hope Hot Toys releases Cross Hairs as he is one to have in the collection.
Everyone is really down on season 1 and rightfully so. It had a few really good episodes and a bunch of clunkers. Very inconsistent.

But remember - season 1 of Clone Wars was nothing so of abysmal and season 1 of Rebels sucked at its worst and was boring at its best. Both of those shows got better as they went on and Filoni found the right footing. I’m sure this will improve too.
But remember - season 1 of Clone Wars was nothing so of abysmal and season 1 of Rebels sucked at its worst and was boring at its best. Both of those shows got better as they went on and Filoni found the right footing. I’m sure this will improve too.
I thought it was alright, most Season 1's aren't really good, like you said TCW, Rebels and even Mando didn't have amazing Season 1's. They're setting the ground work for the future.

I do hope for more expansion on the Empire early days, with Tipcoa City gone and the Empire going all in on hired recruits, is a good start. Echo and Tech need some more shine as well. Echo is just sitting there with all this potential character development and they haven't done anything with it, this was a guy who was a grunt, who was promoted to ARC Trooper and then joined an elite clone force, and has fought on countless battles, lets get a little more into his insight on everything happening around him.
I thought it was alright, most Season 1's aren't really good, like you said TCW, Rebels and even Mando didn't have amazing Season 1's. They're setting the ground work for the future.

I do hope for more expansion on the Empire early days, with Tipcoa City gone and the Empire going all in on hired recruits, is a good start. Echo and Tech need some more shine as well. Echo is just sitting there with all this potential character development and they haven't done anything with it, this was a guy who was a grunt, who was promoted to ARC Trooper and then joined an elite clone force, and has fought on countless battles, lets get a little more into his insight on everything happening around him.
Mando S1 was top notch imo.
I completely agree with your take on this but, your last point was hilarious !!! Anyway lets hope Hot Toys releases Cross Hairs as he is one to have in the collection.

I want all the Bad Batch, but they'll have their helmets on so I can have them as characters in or closer to the OT era.

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