He was asking for license ideas. Said Bond is available.
Well, their FB page is full of them... I still think going after Comic-Based Marvel/DC would be a winning move. These are pricey toys. The people buying them already are comic fans, at least on some level. Now imagine if they cut the middleman that is the MCU and its adaptations, and went straight for the source. I'm not talking about the C/D-Listers, but imagine a Strange that's not dependent on the realistic collar and can go all out. Or a Ms. Marvel that doesn't look like Carl Manvers. All the comic-based Iron Man goodness if they want to milk it. I'd like to see some genuienly new licenses too, but high end comic based Marvel/DC would be a dream.
Joker going up for PO very soon within the next month.
Let's hope the prices truly are competitive.
There will be more TDK trilogy figures afterwards, he is hoping to make Bane.
Well, I'm positive on cancelling my HT Bale now. I just need to see their prices. I want him specifically to pair with Ledger, so I'd like them to be from the same company.
First few figures from the teaser will launch in May.
That's pretty fast.
OT Matrix is possible, collectors need to make their voices heard.
I'm here for a Reloaded/Revolutions Neo like you wouldn't believe. I assume most Matrix Fans want the same, so let's hope they don't get discouraged in case Ressurections Neo doesn't sell as much.
BvS trinity is possible, though not in the next quarter's plan yet.
I wouldn't mind another shot at a Batfleck, ngl.
Gandalf and Paul Atreides will have rooted hair.
Man, I hope they really knock Paul off the park. Gandalf too. I'm not the biggest LotR fan, but King Aragorn, Sauron and Gandalf The White have always tempted me. Either way, I'm torn on my AUG Paul PO now. It's an entirely different outfit, but if QS made a Non-Stillsuit version, I'd like too. Well, I don't have that on a Payment Plan, so I can wait. Worst case scenario they make a Millitary Outfit Paul 2 years later and I move the AUG Paul to my Dune Book shelf instead of with my other dolls.
Videogames like Uncharted and Last of Us are possible and should be more straightforward to acquire.
God, what I'd give for some ME & MGS figures...
Thanks for the updates; you're good people.
Well, now that we know some more info, I'm even more conflicted. They sound determined to be the new big dog. They're grabbing licenses left and right and are coming out aggressive. It's both assuring and worrying. Do I keep filling teams with my HTs? Do I change lanes? Either way