1/6 INART (Queen Studio) - The Dark Knight - Joker Collectible Figure

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Controversial opinion: All of these custom heads are overpriced and only at best look slightly better than the InArt Joker. Every time I see them posted here I am just more and more happy I can get 2 full figures for less than only 1 head.
Who’s with me?
how i like to look at it. you're paying for way above factory work. instead of having something mass produced, you're getting something done personally by the actual artist itself. there's no doubt it'll be expensive at a consumer level since companies like hot toys hires these artists to make their prototype. you're paying for prototype level worth of work, no surprise it'll be expensive. but I guess I might see value differently when comparing mass produced work and getting something personally done by viper himself for example. catering to people with different tastes. sometimes, some things aren't good enough for some people.

but getting 2 full figures for the price of 1 head is very appealing, i am very happy inart decided to step in and play in 1/6. i like to look at inart as the middle ground between customs and hot toys. partial to why i stuck with inart instead of joining gesus' run for his bruce wayne. no hate towards the custom work, but its just a more affordable option for a character i like, but don't love. I'll throw money all over most jokers though, that isn't in question
I love having HT and customs and now this new option for high end, factory work.

Best of 3 worlds.
more options are great for consumers. especially if they can dish out with what they're asking for people to pay. about time we can get some proper quality stuff from licensed companies. nothing wrong with third parties, just it feels everything now hinges a lot on third party companies to pull 1/6 weight around
I think the InArt figure looks great. I don’t care enough to jump down the customs rabbit hole, nor the money.

Should my life keep going the way it’s going I think this is going to be my collecting “swan song”.
That is a very good likeness, I see Ledger under there, but again I don't care for the somewhat confused looking expression.
I like it because its subtle. I find the static expressions boring and the really expressive ones are too specific. Not very dynamic.
It seems to me that yixie is the BEST joker sculptor out there just from the creative variety of her heads
personally, i think shes the best sculptor for joker. shes done like 6-7 versions by now. but some people still consider adam gu as the best joker or danzo because of their expensive nature but yixie just hits the shot. also really varies depending on the painter/hairer. you can make an incredible sculpt turn into **** without good direction
The Adam Gu sculpt looks depressed never liked it

Depends which one I guess…

a whole lot better than dai's personally. isn't this one of the harder and much rarer ones, expensive, compared to the other more neutral looks he did for joker?

I’m pretty sure these bespoke expression ones do cost more than ‘standard’ yes but not sure. There do seem to be less of them though definitely.
I’m pretty sure these bespoke expression ones do cost more than ‘standard’ yes but not sure. There do seem to be less of them though definitely.
i kinda figured, i dont see his smiling sculpts often. usually his 2.0 pops up a lot