1/6 INART (Queen Studio) - The Dark Knight - Joker Collectible Figure

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I don't think I'd let $187 just go. I mean, there would be a great deal of parts that are salvageable with two figures I assume.

Would be gutted if the rooted head came out worse than the sculpted heads though.

Maybe, but you might not be the only one selling parts if the figure sucks, unless you plan to keep some of it.
Yeah don't see how their nazgul will look that different than Asmus.... its just some black robes and barely visible armor. Hopefully that means it'll be pretty cheap release.
Ah yeah, of course! Ultimately it’s the final step. But before it reaches that stage, they got their own internal approvals and my speculation is they hand in a sculpt that’s 70% there and the higher ups are “it’s fine.”
I really depends on who they're dealing with, some license holders will kill a sculpt/figure with their stupid demands, imagine if smiling Ock and Tongue Cena were demands from the Disney/WB lol, I assume not but it's always a possibility, at the end of the day they approved those awful things tho.
Maybe, but you might not be the only one selling parts if the figure sucks, unless you plan to keep some of it.

No, I meant keeping the outfits and gear. Maybe worst case is back to having to find a good head. There's always the original Bank Robber head. :)

Anyway, I'm going to roll the dice. If they are going to try hard, it will be on their first figure.
Yeah don't see how their nazgul will look that different than Asmus.... its just some black robes and barely visible armor. Hopefully that means it'll be pretty cheap release.
And even then Asmus seems to make the edges of the hood look like a 1/12 figure.

I gave them some reference shots and a suggestion to change how frayed it is, which they said they will consider so hopefully they change it. It is weird though that Queen would pick Nazgul as one of their first figures. Seems like such a random side character to do.

I rather they axe the Nazgul and do a Strider/Fellowship Aragorn.


Seeing this excitement has me hyped.

QS are definitely feeling it and these positive vibes will inspire them to make the figure the best it can be.

I’m imagining how the pitch meeting went.

DC-ok...you can produce 1/6 figures. Buuuuut, due to a prior engagement...we regret to inform you that you’re only allowed to sell them in the China market. So this MAY affect your bottom line...

(QS didn’t even flinch and smirked and nodded).
Maybe this Nazgul helps recoup some cash on what might be -- believe it or not -- a bit of a loss leader with Ledger.
They don't have to worry about any sculpts so it makes sense I guess. An easy figure for them to make and produce.
One thing I really like about this figure so far is the irises on the posable eyes look correctly scaled. I feel a lot of the Hot Toys rolling eyes have irises that seem off. These really seem to capture the look of Ledgers large brown eyes, which in Joker makeup really made him look creepy.
I get the concerns with dealing a new company. But I have no doubt it’s my mind the final product will match those photos.

QS has A LOT riding on this. One epic fail is all it takes to lose ANY goodwill for what is essentially a start up company. Viper and team will make sure these and future figures will be the new standard.

Thanks. I appreciate your replies on this subject. Are you friends with Viper, or just an admirer of his work and you're moving forward with the confidence you have in him/her?
I mean, with this first release QS walks around with the confidence of a Chad walking into an incel anonymous meeting swinging his big you know what around. Not only are they taking someone's spot but they're showing off hardcore. I just hope that jawline is as giga as it appear to be.
Thanks. I appreciate your replies on this subject. Are you friends with Viper, or just an admirer of his work and you're moving forward with the confidence you have in him/her?
Hah I wish I was affiliated!

Nah it’s all speculation on my end. Also hopes and desires. I want them to succeed and it’s high time a new challenger entered the ring.

I have full confidence in viper, QS/IA.