Oh no... is it difficult?
Seems like those grenades don't want to stay in the straps. I'm anticipating using a tiny piece of blutac (not acquired from inside the head thankfully) to hold each grenade in place. But I'm still not certain I want to have the grenade pose be my final pose.
I was also thinking that the smirk head might be better for the Hit Me stance -- you know, with the knife in hand, he gives that little smirk as he approaches Batman.
Like you said, they are too heavy to stay in the straps and then getting those tiny little strings to all stretch out properly was frustrating at best. I kept expecting to get them all permanently tangled like I’ve seen others do.
Then when I finally got them all in place it was so heavy that I had to tightly squeeze the coat lapel in his hand with enough material to get him to hold the jacket open like in the scene that I was afraid if I left it like that it would damage the coat.
Maybe others didn’t have such a rough time of it but I sure did.