In fact, I'm still feel too good to only Indiana Jones series, and then arnie into Ba Jiuqian silver bird with this is almost the same, but this is just another run of those pretty rough place, but production the biggest problem is the only deep eyes open, and caused great regret, but also large clean and paint
The face of a good thing but had problems on the production of 12 ", of course, engage in a practice usual channels, so he turned back in my mind, something
With tin as the main, to wear thin eyes, so look out the fan, the fan and then add detail in the surface texture and color, fibrous texture and recycling out of the rough surface, and finally fixed up plus sweat plus stains on
The most important thing is the clothes, dr.jone pieces point to a clean shirt, and pieces of coat should be good to spend a good old, old sand paper to do, but the shadow effect of Well come out, is a good kind, I think the feeling out