1/6 Indy Customizations: Image Thread

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I made my observations based on the photos of the sculpt that I'd seen. There are enough of it from different angles for me to judge whether or not I like the sculpt. I've also studied enough pics of Harrison Ford to know what he looks like.

Neither of the above paint jobs, or perhaps the photography of them, show either sculpt in the best light. The SSC sculpt only looks bland if the paint job is bland, which, to my eyes anyway, the above is. As for subtleties there are plenty there in the SSC sculpt, you just have to strip it and start painting it to see them.

We all have the right to express a preference and having worked closely with the SSC sculpt I think it's still the best available right now.

If WGP need to make any changes, which I don't think they do, they can be done in seconds. I'm reserving full judgment until I've seen the masters of the Indy sculpts.

Having studied both the SS production head and Snyderman's sculpt in hand I respectfully disagree. A lot of people try to defend the SS head by saying that the paint job ruined it. That is naive. Regardless of what the prototype sculpt looked like the production head is off. The eyes are too small and shaped wrong. The nose is too straight and the shape of the jaw is off. These observations come from studying the SS head sprayed with grey primer. Paint jobs like the one posted by Les Walker require the painter to go outside the lines of the casting and reshape the features using painted highlights and shadows. I'm sure everyone has seen before and after pictures of some plain Jane who looks like a supermodel with the right makeover. The makeup enhances some features and downplays others. That is the kind of paintjob that is required to make the SS head look like HF. Many pictures have been posted of SS repaints that are really nothing more than different versions of the same poor paint that came from the factory. I agree that the picture I reposted doesn't do much to flatter Snyderman's sculpt or his repaint of the SS head. If I had a decent camera I would try posting pictures of my head I got from him. All I can say is I'm happy with what I have, and something exceptional will have to come along to make me consider upgrading again.
That's your opinion and you're entitled to it.

No amount of careful painting can make a sculpt look like someone if the likeness isn't there in the first place, which, to my eyes, it isn't in the Snyderman sculpt.

Just because a sculpt has vaguely the same shaped nose and a scar on the chin doesn't automatically make it a dead ringer for Harrison Ford. Seeing what you want to see and looking objectively at what's actually there are two different things.

I too will happily get another Indy sculpt if I see one that I think is better. I've never gone overboard and said that Trevor's is 'the' best Indy out there as I don't believe the best of anything truly exists. SSC don't always get their casting right so there may be variations in the sculpt. I see Harrison Ford when I look at it and that's enough for me.
Paint jobs and lighting definitely make a huge difference... I am not even a talented painter and yet I think the repaint I did of the SS Indy sculpt turned it into a really good likeness of Ford..


Would love to see someone like JC Hong repaint that sculpt..

Indeed it does and I too would love to see him do that.

Where is the Warrior's Gate Solo pic?

I saw it on OSW, you might also find it if you click on WGP's sig in the thread I linked to.
Having gotten 3 WGP sculpts, I can safely say that what you see is what you'll get. They sand their heads before casting so you don't have to worry about any roughness.
I actually don't think that's great. And I love some of their other work.
Doesn't say Ford to me, it's just missing some character.
I’ve only started my work with this guy.
First of all I’ve switched the muscular arms to the ones from Narrow TT. And you know what? It seems to me that it worked great. I’ve dissassembled the body and just changed the whole arms, the connectors inside are the same. So what to you think about his proportions now? Looks much better to me.

Also, I’ve repainted his belts to make them little bit more brown. Coz HT, imho, made them too dark, close to black. And the gun is the metal one from an old Rider figure (as machete).

And in the end I would like to say: the jacket form the Hot Toys is absolute jrubbish. >< Terrible cloth part. Just terrible. Ever crappy one from the Sideshow looks better. Goosh... The've screwed up with the jacket, and I'm really disappointed with the cost of the figure. But I guess HT are pretty happy here. <__<
but I guess the non muscular body arms look bad?
Yap. :)
Anyway I want to get jacket replacement for him someday.
But if it's so necessarily - Narrow arms can be combined with Advanced that have some veins sculpted on them.

Wow, the revolver looks HUGE next to his head!
Coz his head is too small. HT making this mistake again and again. :\
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my indy teaser. SSC head repainted by small studios, HT shoes, hat and belt, Kato outfit. waiting on Mfisher whip and holster


:rock :rock :rock

Can't wait to see more...it's looking GREAT!!!

PS, V-Raptor, the arm mod looks GREAT! I might just do the same...and switch those muscle arms to my HT Hicks! ;-)
Some Turbin shots, with the right revisions it stills makes a hell of a Ford to me. Am I the only one seeing this?:dunno








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I decided that even with the upgrades, I don't like my HT Indy as much as the Raiders PF so all of my stuff is up for sale in the Commerce section.
Take a look if you want to grab a Kato jacket, shirt or pants, HT Indy (complete including shipping box), HT Goemon body with SS Indy head (hatless) and SS Indy boots or Mfisher Holster, Gunbelt, Bullwhip and bag strap.