Super Freak
In terms of sculptors that can do Indy, Trevor is the only one that has truly nailed him.
I guess you haven't seen the sculpts here on the forum that weren't produced by Grove then. A talented artist can sculpt anything and anyone, they aren't limited to a specific likeness. One may become comfortable with a particular likeness if that's all that's being done for a long period of time, but I spent enough years in university fine arts and have met and worked with enough talented individuals over the years to assert this with utmost confidence. Maybe Kim can't sculpt anyone other than Bruce Lee - I don't know, but to try and say this is a blanket problem with (all) artists is about as far away from the truth as one can be.
Some talented artists can't capture anyone's likeness, so don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that a head sculpt should be a slam dunk for everyone. Also, under valuing the input and significance of an art director only says that the commenter doesn't have experience in professional circles. The team makes a world of difference.
Agree or don't agree, but the issue of missing the mark in likeness is not isolated to one HT sculptor nor product. It happens regularly and I don't expect it to change in the future as it's somewhat obvious it's part of the culture of the company.
One also shouldn't confuse sculpture with production manufacturing, as it's plainly obvious how wrong any great sculpt can go if it's been mishandled for manufacturing.
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