1/6 Indy Customizations: Image Thread

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Be putting mine together over Xmas.

Sculpt back on it's way to me. Have other bits and bobs for it too.


Who painted that puppy?
He did a stellar job! Looks like you might find yourself pretty busy next year, now folks know you can make Indy gear. I know Mfisher and SteveO make them, but, if people think you can do better....

Not sure about better. I'm basically making stuff for myself, and the fig's i have. If anyone wants anything i am making for myself though, then i can always make more.

I'll be doing the bag strap, belt, holster, whip, whip retainer, and with any luck also the boots and fedora. But if all else fails on the last two, then there's always Hot Toys boots and Sideshow fedora.
The SSC fedora is all wrong. The HT one with a modded pinch looks quite good, but, I'd be interested to see what you can come up with. Your boots sound intriguing too.
The SSC fedora is all wrong. The HT one with a modded pinch looks quite good, but, I'd be interested to see what you can come up with. Your boots sound intriguing too.
Which sideshow? Old or the yet to release one? Because the old one is the most raideresque 1/6 scale fedora of all time IMO.
The old SSC was what I was referring to, the brim is too wide and the crown is too short in height and the wrong shape. Inigo got closest to the Raiders hat.
The proportions of the MJ look odd there, but it could be the hat that's throwing it off. The shrunken version with the Inigo hat looks way better. The brim on that Inigo hat has too much curl to me though. HT got it about right to me.
The proportions of the MJ look odd there, but it could be the hat that's throwing it off. The shrunken version with the Inigo hat looks way better. The brim on that Inigo hat has too much curl to me though. HT got it about right to me.

The hat on MJ's is something i will change. To my eye though, it's prety much perfect proportion wise, other than the hat.

Not sure about curl on the other hat. They are both great in hand, and offer two different looks, and when the Sideshow comes out i reckon that will be good too. Might require a re-paint, but as it's Indy, i'm ok with that.
Well, the TOD hat is different from the Raiders one so we'll just have to see what emerges. I'm happy with what I have for now and I hope to be able to work some more on him next year.
They look nice, but I think I'll stick with what I have. I tend to find that even custom figures start to look like production line items when everyone uses the same parts, defeats the object of them being custom. I take that to mean 'with unique parts'. I'm thinking of swapping out the shirt I have (Relic Hunter) for an HT one as the other is a bit big.


Actually, on studying the shirt from the actual costume and repros of it, I think the Relic Hunter one is closer than the HT one and I'll stick with it. That saved me a few quid and means that I have as complete an Indy as I'll ever need. YAY!
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