1/6 SSC Destro

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What is going to the mold...this thing?

The inspiration for Sideshow's 'Destro' figure.


Sideshow Doll Designer: "Now I'm sure none of you have ever played with GIJoe, but it looks like someone named Destro is a popular character. He has a bare chest, but bare chests aren't 'modern' enough. I was strolling around Macy's the other day and it hit me!

Just add rivets and a couple rockets on the wrist, instant Destro. Those sheeple will eat it right up.

Right guys? Right?"

Yup Mr. Designer, most of them did.
Since this guy will be coming with a black chest do you guys think there is a way to mod a necked body for his neck pice?
Although I have him on pre-order I'm not look forward to having him in the collection. :(

After seeing inhand pics of the Comander I had another look at Destro... to be honest if you look past the bare chest is he really that bad? Take away the rivets around the sides of the mask & the Ex. Head aint that far off...
The facial features are almost EXACTLY the same as the card art!

I would be A LOT happier with Destro if they put him on the Batman 1/6 body. He's much more muscular than the 1/6 design so I am hoping Sideshow does some adjusting but I think it's a lost cause. I don't think he's terrible and I like the Ex sculpt far more than the terrible Reg (which looks like Tin Man imo). At least the Ex has some realism to it. I'm on the fence as to whether or not to buy. He's overpriced for what we're getting but I am very impressed by CC and Baroness 1/6.
I would be A LOT happier with Destro if they put him on the Batman 1/6 body. He's much more muscular than the 1/6 design so I am hoping Sideshow does some adjusting but I think it's a lost cause. I don't think he's terrible and I like the Ex sculpt far more than the terrible Reg (which looks like Tin Man imo). At least the Ex has some realism to it. I'm on the fence as to whether or not to buy. He's overpriced for what we're getting but I am very impressed by CC and Baroness 1/6.

I agree that's why I inquired if it would be possible to move this head (smooth dome) to a muscular body with attached neck since Sideshow missed the memo that said destro was kinda pimped out muscular hence why he wore the Disco/porn jumpsuit for years.
It all depends on the neck piece. I'm hoping its like a sleeve that goes over the neck joint. If its sculpted neck joint it will be difficult, though not impossible.

Do elaborate just in case, because i have a feeling it will not be a sleeve but an actual moded neck which sucks because his black chest will make him useless since I'm going to revamp my classic Destro using parts of this guy (well only the useful stuff) Head,necklace,boots,gauntlets,gadgets and briefcase.
I agree that's why I inquired if it would be possible to move this head (smooth dome) to a muscular body with attached neck since Sideshow missed the memo that said destro was kinda pimped out muscular hence why he wore the Disco/porn jumpsuit for years.

on some of the card art and all the comics everyone was steroid ripped muscular. destro could have used some more bulk though.
on some of the card art and all the comics everyone was steroid ripped muscular. destro could have used some more bulk though.

The card art is pretty standalone, he could be a stalky 5 foot tall dude. :lol

I think the cartoon is why most people think of him as being a huge dude.

The inspiration for Sideshow's 'Destro' figure.


Sideshow Doll Designer: "Now I'm sure none of you have ever played with GIJoe, but it looks like someone named Destro is a popular character. He has a bare chest, but bare chests aren't 'modern' enough. I was strolling around Macy's the other day and it hit me!

Just add rivets and a couple rockets on the wrist, instant Destro. Those sheeple will eat it right up.

Right guys? Right?"

Yup Mr. Designer, most of them did.

That is f'n hilarious!!!
I dont care for the man with the iron mask head he has the smooth dome is the only useful sculpt. I may have to buy him and see if toy anxiety will take some his parts off my hands since i only need very few items and i know everyone will keep the gem