1/6 SSC Destro

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If enough people provide "feedback", does anyone think SSC will adjust the HS and uniform complaints? I think it's far enough off of RAH design that this one should be revised. If not, at least try to fix the material of the coat, or get rid of the rivets/plate grooves in the HS. I have Baroness on the way, and would love to pair her up with Destro, but I really don't like what SSC did with it.
my point is you would need a LOT of people to make a difference!
they are trying to sell to other people not just RAH fans... a 100% RAH correct Destro wouldnt appeal so much to newer joe fans... im not saying youre wrong... just that i cant see you gaining enough people to make a change. RAH fans want a bare chest & huge collar... not everyone will like that look.
i for one only have a problem with the long sleeve coat & the raised eyebrow head... the vest looks good to me.
Does it matter? :dunno I imagine the folks on hisstank and whatnot can't be satisfied with it either?

Judging by some posts a lot of positive feedback from hisstank.
Mind you most hisstank members won't buy it as they cannot afford it, and still live in their parents basement along with having only a grade 8 education.

Well, it's disappointing to me. It will be odd not having CC or Destro standing by Baroness, SS, and my cobra troopers. :p
Judging by some posts a lot of positive feedback from hisstank.
Mind you most hisstank members won't buy it as they cannot afford it, and still live in their parents basement along with having only a grade 8 education.


Hisstank are some of the cheapest members I have ever seen,though they'll glady waste their money (as long as its cheap) on most anything Hasblow make (even the 5 points articulated Joes kind)
I don't know why people think Hiss tankers are cheap just cause they're not into 1/6 as juch as they are the 1/18 scales. I don't go there often, but man, theres always someone buying a Flagg or buying 10 Moneybag Destros to mod into troops. I'm sure they have plenty of people just buying whatevers at WalMart, etc... but they've got plenty of memebers who spend as much as anyone buying SSC/ HT releases.

Oh yeah, and on topic.... Destro sucks :rock

Remind me again, whos taking the money for a traditional head? :monkey3
