Super Freak
It looks great except for the head sculpt and vest.
Is that a Tauntaun costume on a real life dog?
The Hasbro vest looks too puffy but at least they got the color right. I like the use of the Hasbro scarf. I may have to hunt mine down in storage.
If it doesn't bother you, don't fix it. It bothers me though, partially because some of the stitching is sloppy and I want to hide it. Fixing it with a detail brush will be a really quick easy fix for me.
lol. yeah I figured since I cant afford the ssc taun taun I just use my custom to display him on
Yeah, Rorywan got good results using RIT tan dye but the stitching was more visible with even the subtle change from greyish to more tanish. The good thing is the vest is not supposed to be pristine, so you don't need to try to match the tan color on the stitching exactly - just appoximate the tan but mixed with a slightly dirty color. SSC has already done some grime color in those stitch seam areas.
My Hasbro Taun is undergoing MAJOR "plastic surgery" as we speak. I hope I recognize her after she's had all her procedures.I'm just gluing the face back together now (added ball joint for neck.) I'm redoing the legs, feet (correct number and shape of toes - SSC wrongly went with three,) tail, head, reins (which are supposed to be leather, not sure why SSC went with webbing) as well as rebooting the saddle with add-ons and fur underblanket.
I contemplated doing real fur but I felt with the right amount of snow/ice (which is a lot,) it won't need it.
We are planning a hasbro Tain taun rework too maybe you could start a thread in the customising section I know I'll be reading it and Mr H
Are you directing your question to me, or...?got any pics of it
Are you directing your question to me, or...?
View attachment 177345 I just did the hot toys luke hoth mod. and I switched out the body and used the dx luke body.i was surprised the ssc ankle joints in side the hoth boots fit on the dx body with out having to remove the joints. I decided to use the Hasbro hoth jacket and the Hasbro scarf I think it turned out good.
Ok, I'll take some pics and post them later. I forgot to mention that I did a custom repaint on it with acrylics to emulate the life-size prop better. The ball-and-socket joint I didn't even get started on, except for removing the head and cutting out the under side of it. I also cut a slit under the tail (now resealed) so I could insert some ballast, in the form of steel nuts. This shifts the weight toward the rear and makes it much easier to keep it standing.yes about the taun taun
I just sent you a bunch of photos in pm, generalgrevious. I forgot to mention that I did a custom repaint on it with acrylics to emulate the life-size prop better. The ball-and-socket joint I didn't even get started on, except for removing the head and cutting out the under side of it. I also cut a slit under the tail (now resealed) so I could insert some ballast, in the form of steel nuts. This shifts the weight toward the rear and makes it much easier to keep it standing.yes about the taun taun