1/6 SSC Snake Plissken Figure

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Man - I love this film. I wasn't that interested in a Snake figure - & I haven't checked the front page in a couple of weeks. Just checked it again now - WOW!! :horror

Nice figure. Might consider this one now.. :duff
It's hard to estimate just what this figure is going to do sales wise. It has a large core of dedicated fans but that is to be expected from such an appreciated film.

And, let's face it, Carpenter's films from that period (Escape..., The Thing, Big trouble...) are all, only relatively very recently, regarded as either forgotten classics or as 'years ahead' of their time. Whereas fans of his films have been banging on about them (and how good they actually are) for three decades! Whereas people of the time, as I recall as a young man in the 80s, seemed to derisively write him off as just 'that horror ' director.

So my opinion is this,

With all that in mind...I suspect that this will be a bit of a sleeper hit in the same way that Fury and Hawkeye were...once people get to finally realise that they want it, it will be gone.
I don't think it will be a huge sleeper hit, and I don't suspect that Sideshow expects that. Probably on par with other cult figures of the past. The Fury/Hawkeye connection is kind of an apples and oranges thing, because those HT Avengers became desirable later on as companion pieces, when more folks ended up getting other characters from that film and wanted those two to round out the display.
I don't think it will be a huge sleeper hit, and I don't suspect that Sideshow expects that. Probably on par with other cult figures of the past. The Fury/Hawkeye connection is kind of an apples and oranges thing, because those HT Avengers became desirable later on as companion pieces, when more folks ended up getting other characters from that film and wanted those two to round out the display.

So, you really don't think that the rarity element counts for too much then?
Production run for SSC figures is going to be based on pre-orders, as it is for most of their products nowadays. Absolute edition size is meaningless--you have to understand production size in relation to demand. The only way you would expect this figure to really increase in value is if lots of collectors got interested after the figure was released. I don't see that happening. And though its been awhile, SSC has a fair amount of experience selling cult film merchandise, so I think they know what to expect, and that their pre-order expectations will be based on this.
Probably the worst case of a JC film being overlooked is Assault on Precinct 13, i can't remember a single kitbash of Napoleon Wilson or Ethan Bishop, most people would know the remake more.
I like that Sideshow is finally producing action figures, & the price seems good.
..however that facesculpt looks a bit inferior to HT's standards IMHO. But still better than SS's resins.. if they can produce what's on the pictures, that is.
I only don't like the hair. It's a huge bump of plastic. Looking plastic is one thing, but he doesn't have that much hair!

Also it's SideShow, I hope it's gonna have independent PERS eyes, so that you can fix the obligatory cross-eyes yourself.
indeed, I hadn't noticed them
most look rather bad next to HT's, more like older Medicom ones. That Harley Quinn in production looks nice, though.
What with the Snake figure being in perfect focus, and how you can see the slight blur on this little fella, that means he was about one one hundredth of a second from bolting out of the shot :lol

I'd blame it on my lousy camera phone. :lol Anyway, here's more then:



And no, it's not a Robocop/Unicorn thing.