We can only hope he's half as good as this guy:
How does SS not knock figures out of the park? Never mind the legalities in getting DAEDD made. How does Art Figures get this kind of quality, but SS stumbles at every turn?
Jesus if Sideshow got Blade Runner it would break the Internet. I would literally drop everything else and dive right in.
We can only hope he's half as good as this guy:
Does anyone know what hands were used on that guy? I was thinking of doing the same thing but couldn't find any
hands that would work for holding the gun.
Those look like Oakley assault gloves.
Soldier Story made Oakley SI Assault glove hands (these only fit Soldier Story bodies):
Soldier Story US Navy Seal MK46 MOD1 Gunner Gloved Hands x3 1 6 | eBay
Very Hot has made them too (these should fit Hot Toys pegs):
VH: CIA v2 - Gloved Hands
VH: FBI 2.0 - Gloved Hands
Lastly, Hot Toys Snake Eyes has similar types of gloves (these are fictional costume gloves, not Oakley), they're really great. Hot Toys also made similar style gloves for Green Goblin.
Sideshow is located stateside, the factories are located in China. I'm sure the people behind Art Figures are located closer to the factories over there and can monitor the factories better. Sideshow does very frequently send their people all the way over there to check on production but it's not easy monitoring everything that's going on in production.
Licensed figures also have to get approval from the licensor who sometimes request ridiculous changes to be made. Like when Sarah Michelle Gellar requested Sideshow fix the likeness on her figure when the likeness was from a digital head scan of SMG's actual head and was supremely accurate. Unlicensed figures never have to deal with this.
Also Sideshow has to include the cost of the license into the cost of producing a figure, so that can effect the quality of the factory chosen to make these figures and sourcing the most accurate quality materials.
Hot Toys has better results than SSC because they're located closer to their factories so they can monitor things better and more easily source materials for their factories. They also ask for an arm and a leg for their figures which helps cover the license fees.
All those things you mentioned I do take into consideration. There was a discussion about how SS should have someone in China. I know they (SS) chimed in that it's the cost of having someone there being the biggest obstacle. I'm one of the biggest supporters of SS, but when you start demanding more one expects more; and rightly so. SS needs to step up their game. They can continue to up their prices, but the quality also has to be upped.
If it's a standard pistol grip then they should. I don't own either myself.Do u know for sure that dredds gun will fit in those veryhot gloved hands?