Just got my VTS and finished putting it together. Thought you lot would appreciate a few quick photos. Very nice in hand I must say.
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Are those underarmour shoes?
Is it difficult to put on the vest? It's because I never but on vest or a jacket on a figure before. WR is going to be my second figure.
Try Monkey Depot or Timewalker.is this available anywhere at release price in USA?
Thanks for the reply. Sorry, I meant to ask how do I do it. I was kind of worried I might tear something when i try. Maybe not tear but.....idk just kind of worriedit's not too bad if you've done it before.
what's a real pain in the ass? Getting those tiny batteries in the Ultron figures... holy ****.
The jacket and pants are Art figures. I'll be using mostly VTS parts on this apart from the Art figures knife and shotgun. The shotgun isn't totally accurate, it doesn't have the two old fashioned hammers like the one used in the movie but it has the same "look" . The shirt is from a Sideshow Gandalf figure believe it or not. It has the correct colour and waffle weave .
Watch everyone start looking for this shirt now !
Is it difficult to put on the vest? It's because I never but on vest or a jacket on a figure before. WR is going to be my second figure.
Okay, I'll try that. Thanks So is your figure arriving soon?easy way is have the arms facing up so there is minimal stretch needed to put on the vest.
Okay, I'll try that. Thanks So is your figure arriving soon?