1/6 Yoda announcement

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Super Freak
Aug 7, 2007
Reaction score
Augusta, Georgia
Is comming in the friday Q&a according to the newsletter tonight.
When Will Yoda Join The Sixth Scale Figure Ranks? The answer to that recent burning 'Star Wars' question will be revealed in our Friday, December 4th 'Ask Sideshow' feature, so keep those peepers peeled on our site!
anyone else notice this? If there is already a thread just merge/delete my thread.
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Yes, I saw it -- and I'm curious why they made such a fuss to point it out. Could YODA be coming?

That would be a hell of a way to start next year's "EMPIRE" anniversary.
PT and OT Yoda would be a must buy for lots of peeps I bet.
This would be great news... not getting my hopes up yet. But I can't imagine they would specifically mention Yoda w/o some good news to accompany it :rock :rock :rock
I'm hoping for an OT/PT 2 pack and just be done with it. I want Yoda from both eras and doing it as a set would be a good way to fill out the package and get Yoda's representation out of the way, and if LFL really is going to CGI replace Yoda in TPM, then one figure should pretty much cover the whole PT.
How about a polystone Yoda's Dagobah house environment?
all i ask about yoda is this.

Please have more articulation than Medicoms.....

Ditto. Medi Yoda is nice but the lack of articulation is frustrating. I'm really curious to see what SS does about the body. A hobbit body definitely will not work so it'll have to be something completely new.
How about a polystone Yoda's Dagobah house environment?

Too expensive and big, even though he was sitting, Luke did fit inside too with room to move around. I'd say at 1/6 that's probably somewhere between 1-2 square feet.

I'd take a Dagobah swamp environment enough to have a log for him to sit on and maybe the stack of rocks from Luke's training, that'd be effective but cheaper and smaller.
I really hope it looks good. It would go a long way to making me feel better about selling my MediYoda (which I loved).
The fact that SSC seems to be getting more diverse with their character choices is getting me excited about this line again.

My dream of a 1/6 Wat Tambor can't be more than 3 - 5 years off...
Sorry guys, we just couldn't make the body work. Until that happens, we've put the Star Wars 1:6 line on hold. In the meantime, check out the incredible work our artists are doing on the premium format figures, dioramas and our new LSBs!
I really hope it looks good. It would go a long way to making me feel better about selling my MediYoda (which I loved).

I think you'll be safe. I never bought the Medi because the head/face just looked to stylistic for the money it cost, but I have a feeling the portrait(s) of SSC Yoda will be undoubtedly him, and I'm sure the paint apps will be really nice, they always do well with creatures.