Just chillin'
Marker, that is an awesome pose for your Greedo, he looks great. Makes me wanna take mine off his cantina seat.
Just chillin'
What a great figure. I want to get a few more for custom bounty hunter and a Jedi.
I still have to pick up Gammy and Hammerhead. Hopefully gohastings will have a sale soon.
Hammerhead is amazing. I've been out of the Sideshow Star Wars line for a long time and that figure alone got me interested again.
I'm waiting for the Hastings sale to pick up a Greedo.
You sir, must have an amazing camera. That shot is incredible!
Thanks! I actually took that with my iPhone. It did come out pretty good. And Greedo is a great figure. Definitely worth picking up.
You're kidding Best iPhone pic EVER. Seriously I thought you took it with a 2K camera
And I already got him bud. Go back a page or so to see mine.
Yeah, I saw that. Love the pose!
You're kidding Best iPhone pic EVER.