1/6th Hot Toys The Last Jedi Poe Dameron

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That picture looks a lot like a Sideshow pic... not HT. The figure itself has a Sideshow feel to it. Something sloppy about it.

I wonder if this will be a "Sideshow-HT" offering like Snowtrooper Commander and go thru Sideshow?

It was posted by HT and features a pretty prominent Hot toys logo at the bottom.. Its definitely a hot toys piece

their Luke sucked so I wont be so quick to buy going forward
I'll need to see the full head sculpt before I get excited for this one...
Yeah the vest looks like it could be weathered a little more. But it could just be the filter and editing. Guess we’ll see soon enough.

I hope we can somehow get the blue and grey helmet too. Maybe a Sideshow exclusive, or with a deluxe version or something. Along with the rifle he used in TFA. Just wishing, as I’m one to swap around different parts and accessories for various displays and poses.

Bare minimum though should be helmet, various gloved and non-gloved hands, and blaster pistol. I wonder if we’ll get a set with BB-8? Perhaps not though, considering he’s available as a single and as a two-pack with BB-9E.

I wish Hot Toys would make two versions of every figure. A regular one for most people at a cheaper price and a expensive deluxe version for the people who buy these figures to play with. I hate paying for extra accessories that I and most people just leave in the box.
I will buy this one.

I need Pilot Poe and a Luke Skywalker to finish my ST figure set. Still on the fence about a Leia, should one materialise.
Oh, I am so pre ordering this the minute it drops. Now release ROTS Obi and I can die happy... and Qui Gon... and Ashoka, you know what never mind I'm addicted.
Instant PO on drop-day...and a good reason to put BB-8 on order too. Lets hope they do right by the HS.
Freaking finally! I don't think I'll be getting him, but I'm happy for people who wanted him. He should've been made with TFA. Now we just need Hux.
I'm most likely gonna get him. I like Poe, not the HUGEST fan in the world, but I like him and think he'll go good with my other figures. The biggest thing for me is he's a hot toys star wars character in x-wing flight gear. He could've been another Luke or a Wedge and I'd still probably get him. I wasn't impressed by the sideshow x-wing luke or snowspeeder Luke, I want the hot toys brand version.
I wish Hot Toys would make two versions of every figure. A regular one for most people at a cheaper price and a expensive deluxe version for the people who buy these figures to play with. I hate paying for extra accessories that I and most people just leave in the box.

Yep regular and deluxe are the way to go sometimes. I guess it all depends on the accessories the character uses. That’s what they’ve been doing a lot lately, and I’m glad since every time I bought a figure with both options I went with the deluxe version, except for one. Do people really play with these though? It seems most people just pose them every so often with however configuration they like.
I wasn't impressed by the sideshow x-wing luke or snowspeeder Luke, I want the hot toys brand version.

I recently picked up the SSC X-Wing Luke and it's one of my favorites...with the helmet on of course. The uniform is very iconic and I think SS did a fine job on that one.
I hope this one goes up for PO today. It was my most wanted Hot Toys figure along with Barbossa. And I hope the price isn’t too high.

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