Please list them. Even if it's in the Medicom thread. I know how much you detest the yarn belt and the jetpack mounting points, but I'm very interested in the other inaccuracies.
What details of the jumpsuit are you referring to exactly?
You should really have a look at real pics of the suit regarding your comment on color. They can be found over at The Dented Helmet. Thousands of them.
Medi RotJ Fett (humoring you since Natrix has already repeatedly listed what hes done to improve his)
-Out of scale
-Doesn't even have the correct helmet, they used the reshoot helm
-Obviously it was too hard to put the three tubes leading into the right gauntlet
-Braids hang to mid thigh, wtf?
-Why are the belt and codpiece molded together?
-overly cheap looking waist pouches
-except for a couple, most of the RotJ Fetts have their bells up too high, they're supposed to be over the shoulder quilt, not riding the main vest
-The right arrow above RotJ Fetts T Visor should be red.
-Why does Medicom have his cape tucked under his armor?
-Why is Medi Fetts rear armor piece not as long as it is in the movies?
-Why does Medi Fetts back pack so far up his back it looks like Fett has a chimney?
-etc. etc. etc....
Medi looks pretty, but its got tons of problems. The difference is if you remember correctly the Medi fett was pre scorned, so once people started getting it, they were like, hey this isn't bad for a Medi. The SS was pre held up on a dias and people obviously expected more from it.
Plus, as has been pointed out
repeatedly, if you collect 1/6th, this is the only game in town.