If it's any help, here's my personal pros and cons. This is independent of any other Boba Fett figures since SS is my first Fett:

1) Wonderful detailing and shading/paintwork on the armour, including the helmet and gauntlets, with realistic looking weathering. Visor piece is done out in black shiny plastic.
2) Jumpsuit has good weathered and dirty look, especially around the legs.
However, velcro one of my velcro fasteners became loose after I peeled it back to adjust the leggings.
3) Cape looks nice, has wiring that allows you to make it look windswept.
4) Blaster rifle is detailed and well painted.
5) Kneepads and shoulderpads are the correct colour as per movie.
6) Really nice looking light up base, but replace the batteries with decent ones.
7) Pair of interchangeable feet for more action oriented poses.
8) Jetback harness is quite nice, I appreciated the use of metal hooks rather than just slapping the thing on with glue.
However, it can slip off when the figure is bumped, which is a minor nuisance.

1) Belt feels a bit flimsy, tendency to slip.
2) Hands can suffer some paint wearing and flaking off with repeated handling, mainly an issue with my trigger hand.
3) Kneepads have a tendency to slip down.
4) Boxy vest! Needs futzing to make it look good. I recommend trimming and cutting plastic backing and removing the abdomen plate to heat separately.
5) Wooky braids look silly, but can be corrected with futzing.
6) The base figure feels a bit flimsy and falls over at times. Proportions are a bit off but this only obvious with certain poses. Waist is a bit thin for me, so I had to pad it out.
My cons are mostly minor things. If you want it, then buy it. At the current price, he's still affordable. Being late tot he party, I paid a good deal higher than the original retail for some of my 1/6 figures. While SS Fett is quite plentiful at the moment, you may regret it later when you have to pay more.