1/6th silicon joker head in works

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God I cannot believe you wasted more than 5 pages for this sig/clique trashtalk. This is a forum not more. Are you really serious about it? I admire people that have no other problems. :lol

@ Remy: Looking at the first proto pic I can see the flakes there too. It seems to be a matter of light and focus etc. I wouldnt be to considdered about it. Just wait until we have it in hand.

I know. I can see his point now but I never really thought about it in that manner because I live such a modest lifestyle.
Its just it was pretty cool that Bobby was only making 10 (originally was only even 5), and we're pretty fortunate that we were able to order some before he closed the door on this. The thing is we know that it was really up to him on how many he could make. He could make 100 of these if he wanted to but he was the one that mentioned that he was only doing a limited number so we were stoked we were the fortunate ones to be able to snag one. But trust me dude, its not the case where we're being elitist. I've seen what people put in the "show yourshelves" and a lot of people there have PF, lifesize statues, busts, etc.
I only have 2 premium formats, 1 bought using income tax money. Other than that...I collect Hot toys dude, lol. :lol

And grayskull, thanks. Not really too worried about it as Neo mentioned, most do come off when futz so its most likely just a case of doing so. I'm still pretty excited to get this piece.
Hi Guys, I want to point out, the paint in person, really does not look like the pictures, if for some reason anyone is unhappy , I will be more then happy to give a refund or fix the problem.
the only head in question is neo's, if he is happy then whats the problem?
but if he wants something addressed I will do that as well, no problem.
did the paint mess up in shipping , no

If you want your head with no paint flakes , I can do that as well, like I said I can make it glass perfect, but this is how I feel I see the character.
I agree the close ups are not flattering, I do want to go through the computer and fix things, but again when I have it in hand I dont see these things, as most of the collectors who have them will agree.

I might add, I bought A sideshow Ironman 1/2 scale, are there flaws?
yes many , But I love it.
If someone asked me was it worth the money definitely
Hi Guys, I want to point out, the paint in person, really does not look like the pictures, if for some reason anyone is unhappy , I will be more then happy to give a refund or fix the problem.
the only head in question is neo's, if he is happy then whats the problem?
but if he wants something addressed I will do that as well, no problem.
did the paint mess up in shipping , no

If you want your head with no paint flakes , I can do that as well, like I said I can make it glass perfect, but this is how I feel I see the character.
I agree the close ups are not flattering, I do want to go through the computer and fix things, but again when I have it in hand I dont see these things, as most of the collectors who have them will agree.

I might add, I bought A sideshow Ironman 1/2 scale, are there flaws?
yes many , But I love it.
If someone asked me was it worth the money definitely

I tell you in my email that I couldn't be more happier and It's still the case :)
It's really awesome and sorry for the bad pics ;) ;)
But I really like the close ups shots too :)
I tell you in my email that I couldn't be more happier and It's still the case :)
It's really awesome and sorry for the bad pics ;) ;)
But I really like the close ups shots too :)

Dude they are not bad pics! I love your pics!

Your Joker looks immense simple as :drool
I also want to point out I'm not trying to start a elitist group, I just cant handle doing anymore, If I could make them for cheaper I would , If I could handle making more ,I would do that as well.
This was just a experiment to see if I could even do this.
Yes there are Kinks , but I have to point out I have only been working in 1/6th scale for what 4 or 5 months.
for the guys coming down on me how long have you been doing it for ?
so the next post just to appease the guys about the paint, i will make one as if he is going on the runway.
Crow I like you buddy but i always seems like your taking jabs .
I also want to point out I'm not trying to start a elitist group, I just cant handle doing anymore, If I could make them for cheaper I would , If I could handle making more ,I would do that as well.
This was just a experiment to see if I could even do this.
Yes there are Kinks , but I have to point out I have only been working in 1/6th scale for what 4 or 5 months.
for the guys coming down on me how long have you been doing it for ?
so the next post just to appease the guys about the paint, i will make one as if he is going on the runway.
Crow I like you buddy but i always seems like your taking jabs .

Not at you. And, as I pointed out repeatedly, my issues are with the general idea, and not any particular group taking part in it. Unfortunately, and it always happens here, people got sensitive, took it personally, and blew it out of proportion.

If you'll go back pre-blowup, I was trying to explain to people exactly what happens to the paint when you try to apply it in a way that's accurate to the film when they were talking about it looking off. I figured it would help if people without painting experience knew the issues with certain acrylic colors, white especially, before they said something about a bad paint job. So I pointed them out.

If offering my opinion seems like I'm taking jabs, I'm not. I'm also not going to sugarcoat things if I see something I feel needs to be pointed out. The love and adoration of this forum is a pretty damn fickle thing, but I've never changed my stances on things or people no matter how much others are sucking up to them. I'd rather be straight with you and let you interpret what I'm saying however you feel like taking it than treat you like Jesus Christ while you're giving me what I want and then turn around and sell off what I was in love with a month prior and trash your work as garbage when something new comes along. I've offered some dissenting opinions on your work before, but I've never taken jabs at it. Whether you took them as jabs or not isn't under my control, but nothing was ever meant that way.
Not at you. And, as I pointed out repeatedly, my issues are with the general idea, and not any particular group taking part in it. Unfortunately, and it always happens here, people got sensitive, took it personally, and blew it out of proportion.

If you'll go back pre-blowup, I was trying to explain to people exactly what happens to the paint when you try to apply it in a way that's accurate to the film when they were talking about it looking off. I figured it would help if people without painting experience knew the issues with certain acrylic colors, white especially, before they said something about a bad paint job. So I pointed them out.

If offering my opinion seems like I'm taking jabs, I'm not. I'm also not going to sugarcoat things if I see something I feel needs to be pointed out. The love and adoration of this forum is a pretty damn fickle thing, but I've never changed my stances on things or people no matter how much others are sucking up to them. I'd rather be straight with you and let you interpret what I'm saying however you feel like taking it than treat you like Jesus Christ while you're giving me what I want and then turn around and sell off what I was in love with a month prior and trash your work as garbage when something new comes along. I've offered some dissenting opinions on your work before, but I've never taken jabs at it. Whether you took them as jabs or not isn't under my control, but nothing was ever meant that way.

You hit the nail on the head there bud :lol
Hi Guys, I want to point out, the paint in person, really does not look like the pictures, if for some reason anyone is unhappy , I will be more then happy to give a refund or fix the problem.
the only head in question is neo's, if he is happy then whats the problem?
but if he wants something addressed I will do that as well, no problem.
did the paint mess up in shipping , no

If you want your head with no paint flakes , I can do that as well, like I said I can make it glass perfect, but this is how I feel I see the character.
I agree the close ups are not flattering, I do want to go through the computer and fix things, but again when I have it in hand I dont see these things, as most of the collectors who have them will agree.

I might add, I bought A sideshow Ironman 1/2 scale, are there flaws?
yes many , But I love it.
If someone asked me was it worth the money definitely

Very classy post indeed
Unfortunately, and it always happens here, people got sensitive, took it personally, and blew it out of proportion.

Personally, I just don't like being told why I did something by a total stranger, when I already know why I did it.

More than entitled to your opinion though, that was never an issue.
The thing is I wasn't telling anyone why they were doing it...I said I totally understand the reasoning behind it, but if I were in a different mindset, one that your average "he has something I don't so he sucks" collectors' board frequenter has, I would take it in a completely different way. I tried to point out, numerous times, that that's what I was saying but it was overlooked and then people went straight for the throat.

Then, of course, it spiraled into my thoughts on the attitudes in general in certain places on this board and that got mixed up in the BobbyC sig debate and it all ended up just going tits up.

As somebody that knows most of you and has dealt with many of you privately, I know the motivation behind the sigs. I tried to point that out repeatedly. But as someone who's also sick of the way a good many people have started acting on the board (not any of you), I felt like expressing my thoughts on how it could be interpreted. That got lost in the shuffle.
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