1/6th silicon joker head in works

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another great sculpt. Is it harder nailing 1:6 likeness compared 1:1 likeness...because they are both on the money. thanks man!
way more difficult then expected , because I try to get the realism from a 1/1 in a 1/6th
that's what i figured...same amount of detail in a smaller area, has gotta be tougher to do.

Congrats dude, you blew our minds yet again!
Turn the sig off? You're just saying that cause you're not part of the elitist group!:pfft:

One of the 10 Elitist.....:wacky

He he....jk.

Stop ostracizing me!

But no, I've always meant to because I've never been a fan of big picture signatures. Although it's still much better here than some other forums I've seen, where every poster has like 25 animated gifs in their sigs.
I like raw more, but that still isnt raw :lol It's focused and blured. But i don't want to upset you, neo :D

Looks like depth of field to me. No effects. That's all done in camera.

I would have to agree. The sculpt is outstanding however the paint itself could be a bit more on the smoother side as stated. Looking at recent photos its a bit distracting from the overall masterpeice.

I agree. Even your paint apps is leagues ahead of this. The paintwork in this makes me think Rocky Balboa has been at him.

Well that's the interrogation room version. The makeup is supposed to me messy. :dunno

GEEEZZZZ!!! That looks like a publicity shot for the film. Amazing!:horror
Wow! This is the best Heath Joker anywhere on earth! I was introduced to this forum last night by a friend of mine. He showed me BobbyC's 1/6 joker and I was telling him that's a picture taken from the film....insane!
I would have to agree. The sculpt is outstanding however the paint itself could be a bit more on the smoother side as stated. Looking at recent photos its a bit distracting from the overall masterpeice.

I agree. Even your paint apps is leagues ahead of this. The paintwork in this makes me think Rocky Balboa has been at him.

Oh snap! :lol
I think what lets this headsculpt down is the clothes, there just not good enough to go with this head.

I mean you look at the head and it looks lifelike but then you put it on the body with hot toys clothes and it just makes it look more like a figure, its a shame the hot toys clothes aren't good enough for this head haha, don't get me wrong there excellent clothes, just not worthy to be with this head sculpt xD
I'm quite happy. Nothing personal, just pointing an annoyance out that goes far beyond this topic. As far as the Star Wars whatever thing, if they can tough out being around that many Star Wars fans, bravo to them. I just don't give a ____ so don't shove it down my throat. :lol

Though I wonder if I should make my own sig showing off that I was one of maybe 10 people that bought a Frank Stallone figure.


There was a Frank Stallone figure?! As in "the Frank Effect"? :google

Link please! :lecture
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Like I said, I totally understand it and am not coming out and insulting everybody that's doing it. One side of my brain is totally cool with it, and the other takes it as people who didn't luck out and get in on the run getting it rubbed in their faces. It's great if you're a part of it, but if you're on the outside looking in it's pretentious snobbery.

Teddy: you can assume envy all you want, but you'd be wrong. At least in my case. If I spent my life envying people for what they have that I don't, I wouldn't get anywhere. It's the principle of the issue that gets on my nerves. Like I said, it's not just the BobbyC thing. It's the whole cliquish environment this board's taking on as of late that is making it a much less fun place to take part in. But if it makes you feel better to think you're envied, more power to you. That proves my argument.

Just want to chime in on this.

I don't do the group sig thing, because I'm a bit of a non-comformist, but I can totally see the appeal. Nothing about sig groups makes this place 'less fun' for me in any way. And I have no doubt that it makes it more fun for the people in the group. Why in the world would i want to complain about that. :dunno

I like you Cr0w, and I get where you're coming from, but envious or not you are coming of as unnecessarily judgmental.

It's a passive-aggressive showoff tactic, which is usually worse than just running around screaming in peoples' faces about what you have and they don't.

Again, it's not just about the Bobby stuff, even though this is where I'm venting. Lately it's getting to where you can't even post anything without some idiot with a huge post count and bigger collection than you coming in and proclaiming that you're "a fail" and then going off to stand in front of the mirror and tell themselves how awesome they are.

You are confusing sig groups with a different issue entirely. And clearly you have a bone to pick with a member or members here and none of those people are in this thread.

You can think whatever you want, dude. I don't think I could express my thoughts on it any clearer, nor can I point out any more that I'm not just talking about the BobbyC group. This whole place is starting to feel like high school.

If your life's empty enough that you need to form a clique on a message board dedicated to expensive toys, the problem doesn't lie with me. I'm merely pointing out the absurdity of it all.

Take a good hard look at that statement.


cr0w: Seriously, there's many things that annoy me in this wolrd. I just try no to bring them to these boards. Collecting, customizing, admiring other's collections and artists' creations, is my hobby and it's supposed to be relaxing. I don't want to think of what I hate or annoys me, and believe me, there's a bunch of stuff in this world that does, I'm human after all. And I've done it on this boards and it's left me with people having the wrong impression of who I am and also left me with an empty feeling afterwards. I've been trying to focus only on the positive lately.

:clap :exactly:

The link no longer works.. like Frank Stallone.


Thank you! I'll be here all week! Try the Veil!

Not a fan of Hamish and Andy then?
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