1/6th silicon joker head in works

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Wonderful pics neo :clap i have always thought your pics did this head justice but the latest batch are by far the best, makes the head look completely insane :thud:

I am also not a fan myself of the sig group thing, i have not got a problem with people doing the T3 and Inception sig group thing but i really seen this differently, i seen this as a celebration more than anything.

Lets face it this is the best and more than likely will be the best 1/6 Joker ever, why would we not want to be happy about that and celebrate that, it was merely that for me nothing more, all very innocent stuff

cr0w i actually hold nothing against you and i do like you, we did business a few months back and that went smoothly, i see no reason to fall out, however i do feel you came in here today with a bit of a bag on and spouted off some unnecessary stuff, just my opinion
Things tend to take on a life of their own when, in two sides of an argument, one side takes things the wrong way and the other says things in such a way as to enable the other party to do so.

I'm over it, I honestly don't care. It was just something that mildly annoyed a little corner of my brain and I felt like venting for some reason or other. It's a non-issue.
Yes :) I fixed the little dots that I have on the face! Now it's perfect ;)
Here is an another point of view:

Another amazing one! Keep 'em coming neo! :rock

Thanks Neo, you pulled me from a potential mob slaughter.

:lol :lol

You should probably look at my later replies where I clarified a few things.

Well, as you can see, I have been a bit behind, but now that I'm caught up, I stand by most of what I said. Whether or not you were attacking anyone here, I think your opinions about sig groups are off a bit.

You imply that they are childish (highschool) but I see it as a bit of fun, and fun is childlike not childish. To complain about "cliques" is childish in my opinion. I personally have no desire to be in a sig group, but I get a kick out of all the Predator or Toy Story sigs. Shows that this a community. If I wanted to be in a sig group I could be. I don't feel like I'm being excluded or anything.

:rock :rock

I'm over it, I honestly don't care. It was just something that mildly annoyed a little corner of my brain and I felt like venting for some reason or other. It's a non-issue.

Point taken. I have days like that. :)
I am also not a fan myself of the sig group thing, i have not got a problem with people doing the T3 and Inception sig group thing but i really seen this differently, i seen this as a celebration more than anything.

I would believe the whole celebration argument a lot more if your guys' names weren't in them. If it was purely a tribute to Bobby and his work, then what does that have to do with ownership of the items? Could joe-blow who didn't buy (or even get a chance to) not have the signature if they were huge admirers of the sculpt? Does coming out with a set sig group with specific board member names deter that and promote the belief of elitism? Not implying that was the intention, nor trying to stir the pot, (I don't even have sigs turned on) just trying to figure out where these feelings are coming from. :monkey1
I think what lets this headsculpt down is the clothes, there just not good enough to go with this head.

I mean you look at the head and it looks lifelike but then you put it on the body with hot toys clothes and it just makes it look more like a figure, its a shame the hot toys clothes aren't good enough for this head haha, don't get me wrong there excellent clothes, just not worthy to be with this head sculpt xD

I think if Harue was commissioned for it properly, this could run well over $1k for perfectly tailored clothes alone.

Things tend to take on a life of their own when, in two sides of an argument, one side takes things the wrong way and the other says things in such a way as to enable the other party to do so.

Here's the truth, and I enjoy drama so I'll freely say this with no regards and I honestly welcome the backlash it'll probably bring. Because it's the truth.

These custom threads are all the same. You have an Artist who's offering something for sale. You have the Paying Customers who are purchasing it. And then you have the Outsiders who are just checking out and commenting on what's being featured in the thread. 3 groups.

The Artist is always defensive and protective of their work and ANY criticism towards it results in them going ape ____ and getting offended. Because God forbid something they've created have any flaws and not be universally praised as awesome..

The Paying Customers are always defensive and protective of their purchase and ANY criticism towards it results in them going ape ____ and getting offended. Because God forbid something they've purchased have any flaws and not be universally praised as awesome.

The Outsiders give a critical and (more importantly) unbiased opinion because they didn't make the piece and they didn't purchase the piece so they have no reason to unjustly praise it or blindly defend it. But if they make any comment(s) that don't fall in line with the Paying Customers they're viewed as "Haters" or "Envious" or some other phrase.

And the sequence is always the same too.

Paying Customers: Praise.
Artist: Gratitude.
Outsiders: Praise/Criticism.
Paying Customers: Praise - Agreement. Criticism - Ape ____.
Artist: Praise - Agreement. Criticism - Ape ____.
Outsiders: 100% Praise (to avoid drama).

Mainstream stuff is the same except instead of the actual artist defending their work you get toy company groupies defending it. HT, Medicom, Sideshow fans, etc.

That's just how these threads work.
Harue's suit up there looks no different than any other 1/6 suit to me.

You won't find any 1/6 scale suit on the market with that kind of tailoring/quality/fit. It's custom made and custom fitted. Like Kato.E's work. It's on another level compared to mass produced 1/6 scale clothing.
Trust me, I know all about what you're saying, Devil. Like I told Bobby earlier, I don't care if any opinion I have on his sculpt is unpopular, because if I point something out, it's just me being honest about it.

That wasn't the underlying issue, though, and the issue I did bring up was directed at the wrong people. My issues with *********s were taken out on people who aren't *********s, and hopefully it's settled now.
Devil what do you contribute after all? except post pics of reeve in a wheel chair or what ever.
It is easy to tell the haters from people that give constructive criticism.
are you a artist, ? collector , or passerby , seriously where do you stand .
so the minute a artist stands up for themselves it is called going ape ____.
artist should be seen not heard - I think that is a easier way for you to say it.
I've yet to see you take any criticism without going ape ____ and feeling so insecure that you need to recite your entire work history/resume and to point out how you're self-trained. Take a look at your posts on here. You take praise with no problem though (obviously).
What are you talking about Bobby? Devil is an "artist". He's a photoshop artist. That requires tons of skill.:monkey1:monkey4:lol

(devil: I expect no retaliation from you. After you posted my photoshopped picture with George Lucas, I didn't say $heet and took it like a man. Your turn to take this one like a man:lol)
,classic hater.
so what if I showed a few things, it is contribution , are you upset because I show my work? it looks like you are insecure really take a look at some of the stupid ____ you say, the post of reeve on a thread where people admire him, your stupid devill 666 anti Christ bull____ .
Keep being a hater you set the bar for being a douche.
see you dont know the conversation have off the boards with people. you just see the things I make and you Assume I'm arrogant.
Please feel free to post some of your work on the thread. would love to see it. I asked crow too he did and I was honest with him .
In fact I did post pics of things I'm proud of for the guys that do not have issues to enjoy.
so keep on posting your stupid theory of the Artist ,Buyer and on looker , it is genius,..
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devil: I expect no retaliation from you. After you posted my photoshopped picture with George Lucas, I didn't say $heet and took it like a man. Your turn to take this one like a man:lol



,classic hater.

That's the classic response of an insecure person. Everyone is a hater. Ok.. whatever helps you sleep at night.

so what if I showed a few things, it is contribution , are you upset because I show my work?

And here's where you start to go ape ____ and ranting about fantasy ish. Show me a single post I've ever made to you or any other artist on this board discouraging you guys from displaying your work. You can't.. because I've never done that.

it looks like you are insecure rally take a look at some of the stupid ____ you say, the post of reeve on a thread where people admire him, your stupid devill 666 anti Christ bull____ .

It's called a joke pic. And I remember people laughing about it. So it served it's purpose. You mad?

Keep being a hater you set the bar for being a douche.

Sorry bro, but you've already set that bar when it comes to artists on here. Never seen someone flip out so much when their work is criticized. And I'm sure it stems from previous experience you've had on other boards because you've stated as much. Sorry to be the one to break it to you but no one on here is "hating" on you or your work. Again, if you labeling anyone that criticizes your work as that makes you feel better about yourself and what you make, knock yourself out.

But the reality is, people are just expressing their honest opinions.
I've yet to see you take any criticism without going ape ____ and feeling so insecure that you need to recite your entire work history/resume and to point out how you're self-trained. Take a look at your posts on here. You take praise with no problem though (obviously).

I'd have to argue that Bobby is better about that now.
Devil- you forgot scenario B
3 groups:
You have the ARTIST who shows and offers his art to the fellow enthusiast.
You have the ENTHUSIAST. They can be the buyer as well as just admirers of the work. Opinions and critiques are made and the overwhelming response usually determines the art's value to the enthusiast.
Then you have the ********* who has nothing to offer. They feel so bad cause it seems so unfair that someone can get such an overwhelming response to the enthusiast while nobody gives a crap about them. So they'll start crap hoping anyone can get ape ____ so that they can have any attention at all. They'll post things like Reeve on a wheelchair to try to get some attention. It will be harsh attention but they'll take it cause at least, somehow in their mind. Someone is paying attention to them. Their name is usually highly offensive upfront to harness that attention. Their name can be a villainous name, maybe something biblical or someone from twilight.
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