1/6th silicon joker head in works

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oh for gods sake.. read Neo's post!
My apologies for not following the correct "quoting procedure"

But here you go:

And one from you Maglor, just for posterity?

My understanding is that any "blurring" has not been done with photoshop. That's all DOF done in camera. It is also my understanding that no cut and pasting has been done. I will wait for Neo to tell us (if he wishes) what he has done.

The only reason I mentioned the quoting thing is that you quoted only part of his statement. I do that to, but I always use the quote feature. The quote feature gives the little green diamond that allows people to see the full statement in context. And context was important in that case. :peace
So far neo's photos has been the only ones that has made this sculpt shine. I have always admired neo's photography. If anything, the way he does photos I'd say he could easily compete with Tommy Richardson. Some of his photos has that magazine feel to them.

Everyone else's photos (no offense) has made the paint look blotchy, amateur, the sculpt looking off, botched eyes, elongated jaws and so on.
So far neo's photos has been the only ones that has made this sculpt shine. I have always admired neo's photography. If anything, the way he does photos I'd say he could easily compete with Tommy Richardson. Some of his photos has that magazine feel to them.

Everyone else's photos (no offense) has made the paint look blotchy, amateur, the sculpt looking off, botched eyes, elongated jaws and so on.

Lol, are you for real?
You mean the way the Silicon head looks in reality? Guess so.
You guys have turned this into who's pics are the greatest. Which was not what was being discussed. If we are discussing that then we need to take a number of factors into consideration. Personal taste. Time and effort. Ability of course as well as retouching. Maybe start a new thread? Personally i have "snapped" pics of my head to post them as quickly as possible because I promised to do so to the other guys waiting on the head. I have neither the time or inclination to anything else, neither has iforigno by the look of it. So no need to turn this into a greatest photographer competition..is there? Cause I certainly did not enter.


After reading all this, I feel like the poor little Pumpkin bastard in Rory's sig! Bring on the pics!! Shopped or un-shopped!!!



this is my joker. I am actually going to be getting a few more things for this including a new tie, new shirt and redesigned overcoat with accurate coat tails, shoulder pads, accurate color lining and fit more for a narrow shoulder TT.

this is my joker. I am actually going to be getting a few more things for this including a new tie, new shirt and redesigned overcoat with accurate coat tails, shoulder pads, accurate color lining and fit more for a narrow shoulder TT.

Awesome! Where are you getting the coat from?



this is my joker. I am actually going to be getting a few more things for this including a new tie, new shirt and redesigned overcoat with accurate coat tails, shoulder pads, accurate color lining and fit more for a narrow shoulder TT.

Great pics man! Congrats. He is still a little dotty but by far the cleanest head so far. Can't wait to see him in full costume. Thanks for posting.

..backtracking much?

Not really. I had a reply made before it settled down then I went away. I canned it once I saw it after I returned, as it would be pointless to sensitive people like you.

Lol, are you for real?
You mean the way the Silicon head looks in reality? Guess so.
You guys have turned this into who's pics are the greatest.

I'm always for real, this is a dead serious forum! It doesn't take much to set some people off on this board. :yess: I'm always cmd+r like rapid just so I can get my next thrill. ¬_¬

Well it all started with you and a few others taking hissy fits about photoshopped photos for crying out loud. Thats why we're still here discussing it. *shrugs* As it seems to be bugging your so called professionalism.

Nothing has changed since last night from what Devil has already summed up so well.
I am not saying because I know he is not going to be doing group work at all on this. He will also be making a 1/6 scale shirt with accurate fitting for a couple of us.

Ah. Cheers. :)

Can't wait to see it anyway!
I presume it is BlindVoyeur.

He sure is good at whining about past projects yet takes on new ones while he gets heat when customers keep chasing him. So he lays low and only starts doing a few new commissions for select people behind the scenes. ;)
He sure is good at whining about past projects yet takes on new ones while he gets heat when customers keep chasing him. So he lays low and only starts doing a few new commissions for select people behind the scenes. ;)

it is not a commission it is a project for just 3 of us that have been working together. Believe me it is not a commission which is why he is not making any more.
Either way, he's working on new projects but can't fulfill other customers that have paid and have been waiting on ED-209 domes and ties.
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