12" Aragorn Image Thread

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Khev said:


Someone said quality over quantity? I'm gonna have to give the "quality" award to Aragorn....

Amazing looking figure.

Personally, I think they both could use some improvement....A LOT of improvement!!! This is what passes for quality? Compare this to the Hot Toys Kyle Reese, T-800 (sans head..not licensing agreement), Hot Toys Supes, and the Hot Toys Batman, Takara Batman, Hot Toys Robocop, etc. I won't even mention all of the other military figures out there from did, dragon...SS is losing it in the QC department. And you can't bring up price anymore because he is $65.00!!! The price I paid for my Kyle Reese!!!! OUCH!!!


Customikey said:
Maybe what really needs to happen is that they need someone less talented doing the prototype paint.

I disagree. SS needs to have better control over QC. I have seen better paint apps on figures that are in this price point or lower. Just take a look at SS own stuff like CSM from the X-Files line. If we keep applauding SS's lack of QC, they won't learn a thing. These figures are getting more $$$ with every release it seems, and they need to bump up their quality accordingly.


Khev said:


Someone said quality over quantity? I'm gonna have to give the "quality" award to Aragorn....

Amazing looking figure.

Yep, definitely to aragorn...I don't even like looking at that Frodo.
drbrad1975 said:
I disagree. SS needs to have better control over QC. I have seen better paint apps on figures that are in this price point or lower. Just take a look at SS own stuff like CSM from the X-Files line. If we keep applauding SS's lack of QC, they won't learn a thing. These figures are getting more $$$ with every release it seems, and they need to bump up their quality accordingly.



I agree. I don't know why people think the PF line can have great paint jobs but the 1/6 can't. Would anyone keep Boba Fett (besides Tom) if his helmet was just solid green without any other coloring? I don't think so. For what we pay, the paint jobs should be very close to the protos. CSM is a great example of what every Sideshow piece SHOULD look like. Andy did an awesome job on the sculpt and the paint guys did a very well job. The outfit and accessories were also very well done. Michael Crawford even gave him four stars. None of the Star Wars figures have yet and they are all much more money than CSM was. That to me says something is up with QC. Perhaps Sideshow needs to slow down or start using another company(in addition to the current one) to fulfil their higher amounts of product now?

In this pic of Aragorn the only thing I don't like is his too thick beard (which we all have beaten to death by now). Everything else looks great. The sleeves look like they are just cut off and not hemed or anything, but it could just be the angle. The mud also looks much better. Looks a lot like Van Helsing's.
They started the line with the left foot, why?? does SS is lowering their quality??? only expecting money, something like losing interest in the collectors, because what they showed in the SDCC and the thing that we are seeing is totally different.

The difference are the cape and clothing weathering, eyes and painting i must say im a bit angry about this i was expecting a great figure, LOTR made SS knowned and this is what we get, how sad
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i say lets reserve judgement until we get him in hand. however, because i am a recepient of Anakin i cannot deny that sideshow needs to get their crap together and get some better quality control on their stuff. because im a newcomer in the 12" collecting i have only gotten the star wars figures. after anakin everything has been great, but there is some much needed improvement.
Buttmunch said:

In this pic of Aragorn the only thing I don't like is his too thick beard (which we all have beaten to death by now). Everything else looks great. The sleeves look like they are just cut off and not hemed or anything, but it could just be the angle. The mud also looks much better. Looks a lot like Van Helsing's.

I also agree with the beard things - but this was reinforced by rewatching "The Prophecy" in which Vigo plays Satan - but sports a full beard - and looks exactly like SSC's Aragorn. This just emphasised to me that the beard paint app is too dark for the 3 day growth look that aragorn was sporting.
Buttmunch said:

Each photo posted has revealed some different flaws with this expensive figure. In the case above, the boots look like a blob of plastic. Cheap looking, without a doubt. The hands look HUGE. The hair looks "like melted tootsie roll"* and the coat looks like it's been Armor All'd. Ironically, the beard and eyes looks better in this pic then previous ones.

I'll be holding onto my Fool's Hope until I have it in hand, but it does not bode well. I have yet to receive any item from Sideshow and return it. Could this be my first? We'll find out in a week or two.

*copywrite LOTRFan
FlyAndFight said:
..."like melted tootsie roll"* and the coat looks like it's been Armor All'd. *copywrite LOTRFan

I expect my royalty check paid in full. :lol
We've seen the light years in difference between SS's 12 inch figs early amateur production pics and how they actually look in person. These Aragorn production pics actually look quite *good* regardless of whether people nitpick or not (because we know that's a given no matter how amazing it is.) I can only imagine how cool it'll actually look in hand, or after DarkArtist gets a hold of it. ;)
I believe the lack of hemming is in the interest of authenticity. If the sleeves and bottom of the coat were hemmed, they'd look modern and awful.

Whatever this leather-like material is that Sideshow unveiled with Anakin, it is very, very convincing as leather. It's hard to believe it's probably made from petroleum distillates. Like leather, it varies from sample to sample, and its irregularities make it look more real. (Maybe it's manufactured in very large swaths to get these variations.) The coat on the particular Aragorn that's been introduced on this thread happens not to have many irregularities. I think that's why people are disappointed. It looks rather neat and clean because the grain is pretty uniform.

Before anybody goes nuts with the paintbrush on this coat, I have a suggestion. If mine looks like this sample, first I'm going to take the coat off and keep it by my keyboard for a few days. I'm going to handle it a lot. Rub it, let it pick up the oil from my fingers, see if I can soften it. As if it was really leather. Depending on what effect that has, I may apply ground pastel with a dry brush. I'll take it slow though.

This figure looks very good to me.
I'm still not feeling the coat. It does look odd IMO. The hair in more pics I see looks pretty good. The face looks better as well especially in the last few shots we've seen. Not sure what the problems are with the boots. I see nothing wrong with those. This isn't the most perfect LOTR items I will ever own but it isn't a bad one either.
Gruff Old Bear said:
Before anybody goes nuts with the paintbrush on this coat, I have a suggestion. If mine looks like this sample, first I'm going to take the coat off and keep it by my keyboard for a few days. I'm going to handle it a lot. Rub it, let it pick up the oil from my fingers, see if I can soften it. As if it was really leather.
That's exactly what I plan to do. Work it over for a few days, lots of rubbing and scrunching and just try to give it some natural wear.
wofford29 said:
I can't believe no one has mentioned the size of those feet! They look like green Ronald McDonald shoes.:lol
Yeah, those are some clodhoppers aren't they? :lol