I'm getting a custom duster made for mine. It's taking awhile to find the right material though (don't want to use thick leather) and getting good reference shots. I will say though, SS left out 2 strings on the duster that can be used to tie it closed. Doesn't it need if since Aragorn never closes it like that in the movies but they're there
Anybody selling the sideshow boromir vambraces? And an aragorn custom head sculpt? I really got inspired by this thread, but I've never painted a head sculpt and can't find those vambraces anywhere! Or of someone could repaint my ss aragorn head sculpt?
Pretty darn nice...the sculpt is very close...but something a little off? Not sure...forehead too big/chin to pronounced? Anywho...the outfit is awesome!!
Pretty darn nice...the sculpt is very close...but something a little off? Not sure...forehead too big/chin to pronounced? Anywho...the outfit is awesome!!
I agree, I like the sculpt but I alos thing something is off. I'm reworking on another one atm that should be better.
This one was sculpted bu Erick Sosa. I have another mortensen portrait form eastern promises that I will convert into an aragorn.